Small laptops to buy


14 Aug 2006
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United Kingdom
Wonder weather you guys can advise me on which laptop to buy.

The main reason for buying is for boiler manuals cds. So im not too sure what to really look for in terms of capabilites. Speed,memory etc

Id ideally like it to be as small as poss. (12"?) With internal cd drive. and as i said really only used for boiler manuals so as cheap as possible really.

Is it possible to get something like this for around £250? if not is a pda the way to go?

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You'll be looking at 3 times that amount for an entry level small laptop. Look at the prices here. Why so small? just to make it ultra portable? Believe it or not small, lightweight laptops cost a lot more than regular size laptops. PDA's could be the answer just make sure that they support all the relevant file types you need to open and that the screen actually isn't too small for your needs.
You won't be needing a hi spec laptop for this, so look on ebay. The really small ones tend not to have CD drives built in to save space, but you could save the CDs to the hard drive and then you wouldn't need the CD drive.
Something like this would be OK. Batteries are expensive though on these smaller laptops.
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I won't ever buy Dell again now they have outsourced it all to Indian call centres :evil: