
21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Shock horror, some prat in the marketing dept has decided to get rid of the smarties tube, that has been in existance since conception 70 years ago! They are replacing it with a hexagonal container. No more letters on the cap, no more being able to use the tube as a smarties gun, by smacking it in the middle and watching the cap go flying at teacher. Why oh why oh why??? :cry:
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cheaper packaging, mate.

It's a good example of a mfr taking something away from a product, and leaving the price intact.

Like low sugar shreddies - they have less sugar than regular ones, thus saving a few tons of sugar per batch, but the price? Unaltered!
Thermo said:
No more letters on the cap, no more being able to use the tube as a smarties gun, by smacking it in the middle and watching the cap go flying at teacher. Why oh why oh why??? :cry:
I used to put mine on my bike spoke wheel when I was a kid.
now come on, masona, dont make things up, theyve only been around for 70 years ;)
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masona said:
Thermo said:
No more letters on the cap, no more being able to use the tube as a smarties gun, by smacking it in the middle and watching the cap go flying at teacher. Why oh why oh why??? :cry:
I used to put mine on my bike spoke wheel when I was a kid.

Rich bu##er ! Had to share half a set of spokes between 3 of us !!

The answer to vehicle speeding, round to 'x' agonal wheels, faster you go the less 'x's in your -agonals - ;)
They reckon that kids today find it difficult to open the traditional tube. I suppose anything that doesn't involve zapping demons on a Playstation is beyond their manual dexterity skills.
Thermo said:
now come on, masona, dont make things up, theyve only been around for 70 years ;)
I have no idea, I wasn't around then ;)
pipme said:
Rich bu##er ! Had to share half a set of spokes between 3 of us !!
Me rich? nah, mine was a second hand bike with the front wheel needed balancing with smarties caps, rusty bell due the top cover missing, front mud guard missing and the brakes works better when you put the worn out non-brand trainer on the tyre. More fun being poor :)

Oh er, off topic again!
Balance ? Didn't get that for free with a bike -- had to earn it. :LOL:
Blue Peter did a bit on smarties and they said that the new tube keeps the sweets 'fresher' for longer. Can't quite see it myself.
why is it only the orange smartie has any flavour.

and please don't say "only smarties have the answer"

aparently you can not take red smarties into the USA, read a storry once.

Guy from rowntrees took some as samples (as you do) and they would not let in the red ones, (something to do with the content of the colouring) but they were quite happy to let the bloke eat all the red ones, and then let him in.
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