I have a ring main at the top of my house which appears to be showing with a dim earth light for all 3 double sockets (for a standard PAT socket tester). Originally I thought there was no light at all but on closer inspection it's dimly lit.
All other ring mains in the house are showing fully lit earth indicators (implying the tester is working).
Can anyone diagnose what might be happening here? Is it that the circuit is grounded but just not that well? I've inspected the wiring and nothing obvious is amiss although the earth wires weren't insulated (they are now).
I have a ring main at the top of my house which appears to be showing with a dim earth light for all 3 double sockets (for a standard PAT socket tester). Originally I thought there was no light at all but on closer inspection it's dimly lit.
All other ring mains in the house are showing fully lit earth indicators (implying the tester is working).
Can anyone diagnose what might be happening here? Is it that the circuit is grounded but just not that well? I've inspected the wiring and nothing obvious is amiss although the earth wires weren't insulated (they are now).