Reply to Lincsbodger:
Well it's obvious how we got here.!!!
According to Stephen Hawking, there was a Big Bang some trillions of years ago, which created the universe (as we know it). Sometime along the way, life developed on Earth and eventually crawled out of the primordial soup and eventually developed into us lot. Arguing on the Jeremy Kyle show every morning, or shouting on Tricia...
Job's a good un. Sounds fair enough to me.
I asked because it depends where you start. Ive had several debates with creationists about this. The fact is that life in the universe was inevitable from the point the static parameters of the universe were fixed at about 10^-43 of a second, the point just before inflation.
AT that point it was inevitable that protons, neutrons and electrons would form, because the weak nucelar force, the strong nuclear force, gravity, and electromagnetism were exactly the right values, as were other forces such as the Planck Constant and the Close Packing Constant. That allwoed matter to form ,and the correct value for CPR violation allowed a surplus of matter over antimatter..........
etc etc. Its called the Goldilocks Effect, everything was just right.
The creationist argue that its too improbable that one universe woudl be exactly right, it must be god. The answer is there probably billions of universes in the metaverse, and every possible set of parameters has been tried. Some universes are exactly right and life forms, most are wrong and sterile, of dont even get past inflation. So its not a wonder to me.
The more interesting question is where does dimensionality come from? The most promising theory is Roger Penrose's Twistor Theory, in which the dimensionality of the universe is a product of two dimensional structures called Spinors. Below the Planck Length 'dimensionality' is meaningless.
Another intriguing development of this is that spatial dimensions are interchangeable with time dimensions, iw we have a 3S+T (3 spatial plus 1 time) universe, its possible to have say 2S+2T universe, or any combination of time and space.
Also there s no definitive reason WHY we have 4 dimensions, either. Penroses theory says that time and spatial dimensions may transmute from one to the other. One indication this is happening is that the speed of light may appear to vary, which funnily enough, seems to be have been observed in our universe, its one explanation for why older galaxies are expanding faster then newer ones.
All interesting stuff........