Soudal Trade Roof & Gutter Sealant

11 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
I am about to use Soudal's Trade Roof & Gutter Sealant.


I have used this product previously albeit a good while ago and from memory it was very sticky and it was difficult to smooth-off once I had applied it. On checking the back of the tube (which I didn't look at last time I used it :oops:) it says "Finishing: With soapy solution".

Does this mean that once I have applied the sealant, I could use a mixture of say washing-up liquid mixed with a small amount of water and then smooth it off with a sponge or alternatively, spray the washing-up liquid/water solution onto the applied sealant and trowel it smooth with a small scraper or something similar which was also sprayed with the same washing-up liquid/water solution? Or should I be using something else?

I have tried to speak to Soudal Technical over the last few days to ask the question but their number just rings out and then it says they are unavailable and to try later. I don't want to use a solution that might possibly have an effect on the products sealing capabilities or use something with water in for that same reason id I shouldn't be so I wondered if anyone on here has ever used this product or something similar and if you have, how you smoothed it off once you'd applied it? Thanks.
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Most sealants can be easily smoothed and sealed with a wet finger or similar so using a bit of a soapy water mix, either sprayed on lightly or via a finger or spatula/smoothing tool, will do the job.
Make sure you use the correct amount and there will be very little smoothing off.
Use a spray bottle with water and washing up liquid.
Lightly spray and then smooth off.
Practice make it perfect.
Thanks for the replies. I have used Soudal's Trade Roof & Gutter Sealant in the past and I recall that it was very sticky.

Can I ask what might be a bit of a daft question, what approximate ratio of washing-up liquid to water would be best to mix? Would you tend to use the same amount of washing-up liquid that you would use to say fill up a bowl half full of water to wash the dishes or would you use more washing-up liquid and less water than that?

I assume that once the soapy solution is sprayed and comes into contact with the sealant, it is the washing-up liquid part of the mix that makes the sealant easier to smooth off as opposed to the water so would a ratio of 50/50 be better or say 25% washing up liquid/75% water or something different?
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Just a squirt of washing up liquid will do.
As long as you get foam when shaking the solution.
25% is waaay too much!

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