Speaker buffs required

8 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
I am in the market to buy some quality speakers but would appreciate some reccomendations.
If there are any hi-fi buffs on here or if anyone has any good links to speaker reviews I would be very grateful. :D
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Bahco, I like my Missions, but I think speakers are a personal thing - I went to a decent store (rather than a high street shop) and auditioned about 3 different pairs in my price band, and opted for ones with plenty of bass. I used What Hi Fi magazine to help me shortlist.

Other things to think about are: buying speakers that were sensibly rated to the other components (old rule of thumb is 1/3 on amp, just over 1/3 on source, and just less than 1/3 on speakers), using solid stands and reasonable cable (at least in the 'few quid a metre' range).
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Have you considered building them yourself?

There are many good reasons for doing this.. Cost being the major one. However even if you were proposing spending thousands on speakers then it is a very attractive proposition to have most or all of your money go on the actual speaker rather than the design, distribution and marketing behind it.

Have a look at www.iplacoustics.co.uk for a start.

They supply kits comprising just instructions and speaker drive units - right up to a complete flat pack kit including everything you need.

They aren't bargain basement but you will end up with a pair of speakers which would be hard to beat at several times the price...

might not be for you but I thought I'd mention it....

If you are set on buying - there are a myriad of designs and manufacturers and unfortunately it depends on your budget, room size, the amplifier and CD player you will use with them and also your musical tastes. It is practically impossible to build a speaker which doesn't colour the sound in some way and these peaks in the gain and phase response will compensate for weaknesses in some systems and exagerate poor performance in others.

Book a long listening session at a good local independant. Take a wide selection of music you know well and also take your cd player and amplifer with you - describe what you hear and like about the speakers you try and let the shop staff guide you. When you have made a choice you may find they will loan you the demo speakers for a week to try them at home. If any of these things seem to phase the shop staff - find another store. Good Hi-fi specialists love their hi-fi and even with a fairly cheap pair of speakers will take time to find you something to suit you and your system.

Hope that helps,
Hi Andy

I am thinking of buying the TEAC system with DAB radio.

The speakers I have in mind are Acoustic Energy EVO floorstanders.

I have a budget of around £300 and would appreciate an opinion on these. :D
Hi Bahco,

I'm a little out of date when it comes to production speakers. Whilst I work in the audio industry I've become a little fed up of the marketing spin...

However Acoustic Energy are a well respected brand so you will be getting a well engineered pair of speakers. I'm afraid I haven't heard the EVO floorstanders but again it comes down to your personal taste. Find somewhere local that you can hear your proposed system and then go and listen to it. Get the guy doing to the demo to suggest similar models in your price range and see which you like. Again I'm not up with the current model range or pricing but I always liked B&W speakers and I think 300quid should stretch to those...

At the end of the day you must like what you hear - if you do it is a good speaker - if you don't, it isn't! Simple as that!

One word of caution... How big is your room? Floorstanders need a big room to work well. There are many reasons for this.... I can elaborate if you want but suffice to say there are many people out there with huge floorstanders crammed into tiny lounges wondering why they sound rubbish... where a good pair of stand-mounted speakers would be a better (and cheaper!) choice.

Good luck with the listening!
Thanks Andy for your response.

My room is 18 x 12 ft.
Will this be ok for floorstanders. I do want quality sound and think £300 is well worth paying.
BW have been mentioned by the hi fi shop in town and your opinion would be welcome as to the 2. :D
18 x 12 is kind of on the boundary - small floorstanders like the AEs will probably be fine, but avoid any behemoths

However don't rule out standmounters... Small doesn’t necessarily mean bad sounding.

Where are you based? Perhaps I can recommend somewhere to go and listen.
Hi Bahco,

Sorry I don't know your area very well - maybe someone else can suggest somewhere good.

be·he·moth ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b-hmth, b-mth)

1. Something enormous in size or power.
2. often Behemoth A huge animal, possibly the hippopotamus, described in the Bible.

i.e. gigantic speakers - in our case.

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