Spotty nose fix

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
The past few months, I have been suffering horrible spots developing on my nose. At the beginning of last week, I had no less than three, one of which was erupting, scabbing, and bleeding, so I did a bit of research - it seemed to perhaps be caused by too much oil, and large nasal pores being blocked. One suggested solution, was lemon juice, to wipe down the skin of the nose, with a cotton ball, twice per day. Not expecting much, I used the Jif type squeezy bottle of lemon juice. A week later, all spots are gone or healing.
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it sounds like mild rhinophyma?

Nothing like as severe as that -

My nose would be quite smooth after a soak in the bath. My best guess is just over production of oil, in the skin and the nose and forehead are suggested to be the worst affected. The suggestion is the lemon juice cuts through the oil, helping to clear the pores.

I intended to mention it at the last couple of appointments, but my nose was free of problems at the appointed dates.
Hello Harry

Improve your diet, its amazing what happens to your body when you eat and drink the right stuff. If I get wind of anything that is going to make me look better and feel better I'll Google and try it.
Also as John hit on, go steam room at your local Gym and open up those pores.
Well, despite the silliness from the usual suspects at the back of the class, the lemon has been a miracle cure for the problem. My nose is back to normal, not a spot in sight.
It may be worth getting them checked out if they are not just blocked pores. Skin cancer is often just a little thing to start with, better safe than sorry.
Sometimes I wonder why I find the time for this forum. Then I see a post with some good advice like this.
% 100% get it checked out Harry
Lemon juice doesn't cure skin cancer. If it didn't go away with lemon juice then that could be a concern.

The lemon is just dissolving the grease, stopping the pores blocking.

I generally eat low fat, but if I do have a stodge-fest then I get a greasy face. It really does ooze out of you.
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