I am going to be painting my stairwell and landing soon. Ceiling is silk white, already been done (painted all ceilings at once same colour). I have "sandstone" from Q&B colours for the walls (a kind of cream/grey colour).
The skirting will be gloss white, as will all the doors and frames. At the moment all the doors are dark stained wood. This is going to be very tedious. Any tips for getting these stained doors white quickly? I have "one coat" gloss paint (bloody stinks), but I had to use about 4 coats on another similar door elsewhere, as well as 2 coats of undercoat/primer. Would a gloss roller be better to apply than a brush? Would it give a better finish too?
Any advice on painting the stair stringers with carpet in situ? Is this done, or do you always remove the carpet first? Though it doesnt have to be exact, they are already white but not gloss. And the carpet is being replaced after the decorating.
Am I right in thinking silk paint on the walls is a good idea in an enclosed stairwell and landing, because it wont show greasy finger marks as much? I also figure it will reflect more light - the only light is from the upstairs rooms and front door, no upstairs window.
I'm going to invest in a cheap power sander, I dont fancy rubbing all those doors and walls and skirting down by hand!!
The skirting will be gloss white, as will all the doors and frames. At the moment all the doors are dark stained wood. This is going to be very tedious. Any tips for getting these stained doors white quickly? I have "one coat" gloss paint (bloody stinks), but I had to use about 4 coats on another similar door elsewhere, as well as 2 coats of undercoat/primer. Would a gloss roller be better to apply than a brush? Would it give a better finish too?
Any advice on painting the stair stringers with carpet in situ? Is this done, or do you always remove the carpet first? Though it doesnt have to be exact, they are already white but not gloss. And the carpet is being replaced after the decorating.
Am I right in thinking silk paint on the walls is a good idea in an enclosed stairwell and landing, because it wont show greasy finger marks as much? I also figure it will reflect more light - the only light is from the upstairs rooms and front door, no upstairs window.
I'm going to invest in a cheap power sander, I dont fancy rubbing all those doors and walls and skirting down by hand!!