I have a singe "step" that consists or a row of 100mm bricks forming a "frame" partially infilled with what I believe to be a mixture of concrete, mortar, and leveling compound.
Despite all or that the top surface of the step is not level.
How should I proceed? This is an interior step BTW leading into my front room.
What would you recommend as a render, I'd like a strong and attractive finish since I intend to leave the step unfinished and I don't want the top edges chipping away when walked upon.
Despite all or that the top surface of the step is not level.
How should I proceed? This is an interior step BTW leading into my front room.
What would you recommend as a render, I'd like a strong and attractive finish since I intend to leave the step unfinished and I don't want the top edges chipping away when walked upon.