Sticky Keys

15 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Can anyone give me any tips on removing the keys on a toshiba laptop to clean them? I can carefully remove the keys, but this leaves an inverted rubber dome stuck to the board beneath. Is this supposed to be stuck down or is this stuck due to dirt etc... Should I pull these off? And if I do, do they need sticking back down again before I put the key back on?

Can't find any details on this on the internet or in the user manual?
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Cheers Dave,

Those links helped! Unfortunately, cleaning hasn't helped - it appears some of the keys are doomed not to work again.

So next question is, can anyone recommend an online retailer for buying a replacement keyboard. I've found one or two but would prefer to use one that is recommended!!
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Cheers Kris,

They haven't got the one I need, but I have found one on Ebay. The seller has 99.2% positive feedback so i'll have to trust that I think.