I tried to take one apart last week that a mate asked me about. We could not work out how it came apart.
Was a local Mira shower service centre that used to service Mira mixers but that closed a few years ago, so they must all come apart somehow.
Seems most replace part these days.
Not sure I've helped answer your question
Seems like a good move, and nothing to lose!
If there is an E clip on the nd of the cartridge it will come apart and you can use fine wire wool to remove any limescale crap. The cartridge should turn again, and if the thermostatic phial is ok normal service should be resumed!
Clean any gauze filters too.
I have to say though, I generally have a new cartridge standing by, in case of any disaster.
Thanks it's a Hudson reed one. Apparently they no longer make the cartridge for it. Was a strange design. It turns the water off and also diverts from the shower head to the shower riser.
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