stock levels.

9 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
Went to a big diy depot the other day to buy some torus mdf skirting board.only found 7 planks each with a big chunk out of them & all the poly wrap was ripped off them :mad: the manager gave me a discount as i would have to cut the lenghts a lot shorter to get rid of the bad bits.I am willing to pay the stated price if it was not damaged.How can any builder confidently use the shop as only 7 planks won't even do a medium sized room never mind half a house.Its a big DEPOT for heavens sake.I always get ALL my timber/paint etc.....when I start a project as I don't want to struggle half way through a job sourcing more of the same.doh. :oops:
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I am curious how price rigid these places are these days, I know of 2 cases last weekend where reductions were given almost instantly. The first was 2x3M worktops at £42 each, which had minor chips on the ends which were being cut off anyway, they were reduced from £84 to £64, after asking for discount. The second was an integrated fan assisted oven, a good make, marked as being reduced from £399 to £299. The buyer said, its nice but I have seen a cheaper one(nowhere near as good) elsewhere for £240. The salesman came back,within minutes, and reduced it to £225. £74 off within 2 minutes, with no effort whatsoever by the buyer except saying they had seen one cheaper elsewhere!

The biggest shed recently announced a drop in sales of around 6%. The cases I mentioned were not there, but I presume the others must be in a similar, or worse, situation. It is always worth trying, we have nothing to lose, they can only say no.
The sheds prices are less competitive than they used to be. Must be more scope in there for reductions. I have seen stuff which frankly was useless because of damage still being offered at most of the full price. Probably they just guess at reductions and are happy to get shot of stuff if someone is interested.
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I have seen stuff which frankly was useless because of damage still being offered at most of the full price

I have noticed something similar in supermarkets. In my experience, Tesco knock the price down to buttons, but Sainsburys take about 5p off. Which means I never bother looking in the "reduced" bit as I would rather pay the extra 5p and not need to eat it that day!

Tescos in Enfield, two summers ago, they had a reduced bin full of beers and alcopops, selling for about 10p a can/bottle! :D
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
the mainpoint I was making was "7 bits of skirting in a BIG DEPOT"its like asda just having 7 pints of milk :eek:

Perhaps people are attending at the right time (whenever that may be) buying all the straight undamaged bits.
I guess the retailer restocks at particular times ... Are some customers privy to the restock day / times such that they get the stuff which complies ???
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
How can any builder confidently use the shop as only 7 planks won't even do a medium sized room never mind half a house.Its a big DEPOT for heavens sake.I always get ALL my timber/paint etc.....when I start a project as I don't want to struggle half way through a job sourcing more of the same.doh. :oops:

Don't use the big DIY-stores I would say if you depend on them to have enough stock all the time. As a builder go to a builder merchant, where domestic customers don't or can't go.
9 out of 10 times these merchants have good deals, more and better products.
They have just started doing some adverts on local radio."OUR DEDICATED TRADE TEAM WILL SORT YOU OUT WITH ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS TO HELP BALANCE YOU'RE BUDGET"or words to that effect. :rolleyes: never laughed so much :eek:
pity no ones told them how to look after their wood properly, like not leaving it sitting in a pond overnight. ive never seen such wet crap wood
Thermo said:
pity no ones told them how to look after their wood properly, like not leaving it sitting in a pond overnight. ive never seen such wet rubbish wood

Yep, and then they still call it "Kilned dried ' :p :p :p
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