I have a stone wall which gently curves around the border of our garden next to the street. It has settled over the years and there are some cracks as a result. There is a varying gap on the outside (leaning out side) from half metre to one metre soil before the pavement edge which is concrete with edging. The wall is about 1.8m (6ft) tall and build of natural stone blocks. It leans out about 80mm top to bottom and I think the crack is gradually widening so good to built a two or three buttresses to prevent further leaning. I am too old to do a full stone buttress so am thinking a steel one which I can grow stuff over. A sort of cage which would be anchored at ground level between the wall and the pavement structure. I would need to dig out some earth and throw in some concrete with a bit of reinforcing. Does anyone have an idea of an open design of a steel structure to suit. I guess it would be triangular (like a leaning buttress) and reach say 2/3 of the way up the wall.
Advice appreciated. Thanks.
Advice appreciated. Thanks.