Yesterday I was replacing a socket at home, just a straight swap.
Turned mcb off for house sockets and removed existing plate
Whilst the plate was off my missus plugged the hoover in to a kitchen socket and it tripped the rcd.
Assuming the hoover was faulty I plugged the radio into the same socket and it worked OK.
I went back and connected the new socket and flicked the mcb back on for the house
Tried the hoover in the same kitchen socket thst tripped previously and it worked fine.
Any ideas on why it done that, I'm assuming it's not normal
Turned mcb off for house sockets and removed existing plate
Whilst the plate was off my missus plugged the hoover in to a kitchen socket and it tripped the rcd.
Assuming the hoover was faulty I plugged the radio into the same socket and it worked OK.
I went back and connected the new socket and flicked the mcb back on for the house
Tried the hoover in the same kitchen socket thst tripped previously and it worked fine.
Any ideas on why it done that, I'm assuming it's not normal
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