Student Noise

28 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi Everyone,
I unfortunately live next to 4 student houses. In the 4 years weve lived there the neighbouring house, which contains about 6 students has been fairly quiet with no cause for us to complain.
However the new bunch have been giving us a lot of grief over the last month that theyve been there culminating with my girlfriend knocking on there door at about 1am last night and giving them an earful.
You might ask why I didnt go round there but I am a bit worried about what I might do. Especially when they dont care and basically tell you where to go.
The big question is the next step. We told them that we would contact their landlord but now realise we have lost the number.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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nice idea, but I dread to think what the peasants would do in retaliation.
I'm not really looking for a war.
My neighbour on the other side who lives there with his family is the Knock Down The Door And Firebomb The Place sort of guy but I'm a bit more tactful. Unfortunately that doesn't always work.
I'd probably ask them over for a drink one night to be honest, then you can broach the subject while thier guard is down. Wouldnt do the dog poo thing myself either, just avin a laugh :LOL:
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The university accommodation office should be able to put you in touch with the landlord.
Why not get the police to call on them next time? If it persists, the police can get in touch with the university. Not sure if the university have much jurisdiction over their "client's" extra-mural behaviour, but as I recall, at Exeter they would rusticate students that got crim. records. Not that antisocial behaviour is Criminal. (at least I don't think it is)
Used to have students in the flat below me & noise was a problem. I just went down there and told them to turn it down every now and then; they obliged. appreciate yours may not be as easy.
Getting in touch with the landlord is definitely your first step: I only rented as a student but I found most landlords have rules about "don't annoy the neighbours".

Also it could quieten down, we're only a few weeks into term, they are probably second years who are enjoying a taste of freedom outside of halls.

In my experience of going round and knocking, it doesn't work with students and Australians. The former will get whiney, the latter will attempt to solve the problem by inviting you in to join the party... neither is going to help you sleep!

You know what might really work? Well, even the w*nkiest of students will usually have decent enough parents. Wait for the next time one of them has their mum and dad round, and explain the problem politely to them.
SparkyTris said:
The university accommodation office should be able to put you in touch with the landlord.
Why not get the police to call on them next time? If it persists, the police can get in touch with the university. Not sure if the university have much jurisdiction over their "client's" extra-mural behaviour, but as I recall, at Exeter they would rusticate students that got crim. records. Not that antisocial behaviour is Criminal. (at least I don't think it is)
Used to have students in the flat below me & noise was a problem. I just went down there and told them to turn it down every now and then; they obliged. appreciate yours may not be as easy.

It is if the individual is subject to an ASBO which is a possible conclusion to this.

The local council should have an environmental health officer who will deal with noise complaints and be available 24/7, once they have been out a few times action should be enforced by them.
Thanks everyone. They were strangely quiet last night but that could be for a number of reasons. It might die down and I'll put it down to youthful exuberance at the start of term, but who knows. It may be a different set of students who are louder than the rest. Even when they are not partying we can hear them because they simply stay up longer than us. We are lying in a quiet room and they are pottering around in every adjacent room.
You know what the solution is then... get up early, and loudly ;)

This all just reinforces my theory that the first thing you should do when moving into a new place is meet the neighbours and say things like "Hey, I don't think I make a lot of noise, but if I'm ever disturbing you in any way just come and let me know".

I bet if they had come round and said something like that when they moved in, you wouldn't feel stressed about it and it probably wouldn't bother you as much.
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