Suitable silicone sealant

18 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
I have only become aware of the differences between silicone sealants so want to make sure I use the correct ones when I redo a lot of the sealant in my bathroom. My main issue is what to use to seal around the shower cubicle which is anodized aluminium. Should I use a neutral, non acidic type sealant or will it not matter? I just want to make sure it doesn't cause corrosion in the future.
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I used Dow 785+, then when it got too expensive No nonsense 820, both from SF
I used Dow 785+, then when it got too expensive No nonsense 820, both from SF
I use 785+. Seems to work better than the cheaper ones, better mould resistance. Not sure of the difference between all of the others though tbh
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