Sunday paper stuff



who wants a:

Big blue electric ear cleaner.

if its that good why is it buy one get one free (and dont ay one for each ear)

what about the tuble dryer comdensor:

avoid unsightly conventional hoses put them in a box in fron of the td, which you have to put ice in and regularly check,

where as before the pipe goes through a wall vent behind the td you never see

or the stone claener that lasts for up to one year, in other words it may only last 10 minutes

any one else a comment about the "useless junk"
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'kin spell checker costs nowt .. and some still wiln otu se it ... Only joking, but you see my point?
Glass houses and stone throwing etc !!
:D :D :D
yes, but it still struck me as amusing, i wondered what others thought
OK, from one page of the Sunday Mirror:

Poor vision? Put your thumb and forefinger of both hands together, so they make a small diagonal square in the middle of the 4, and look through it. Crystal clear, yes? This advert is for a pair of glasses which contains lots of little pinholes like this, so you can see clearly. One prescription fits all. Never need cleaning. Strangely there's no picture. Wonder if thats anything to do with the fact they make you look a complete prat? £19.95. Buy 2 for £29.85.

Anti frost mat. Put it inside your fridge freezer and never defrost again. Minimises blockages in drain tubes. How does it work? Doesn't say. Do you believe it? No. Not if you've any sense anyway. Perhaps its a heater for your freezer ;) £7.90, with another multibuy. Save £3 this time.

"Outdoor aerials are great but ugly and expensive. Free standing set top aerials are good but clumsy and prone to falling over." So get a loft aerial!!!! OR, buy an ACME (it actually says this) electronic antenna, which you can simply throw down the back of the TV and forget about. Another multibuy. Why would I want 2 of these pieces of crap? The plastic case of the thing looks like its been vacuum formed onto the PCB. :rolleyes: £13 or 2 for £20.
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it doesnt matter what you you buy ,
my pathetic father has bought it before you...........:(
Did you see them yellow glasses in said mag.

Our lasses mother bought a pair for our lasses old man.

Guess what. He only effing wears them whilst driving.

unbelievable , but 100% true. :LOL: :LOL: