


Anyone got a clear sky tonight? apparently theres a supernova peaking tomorrow at its brightest... just above the handle of the plough.

It's a dwarf star that's been greedy, and now exploded. It 21 million light years away, so relatively close.

Although with light travelling at 186,000 miles per second... if it travelled for 21 million years.... that's a VERY long way away.... :eek:

and looking at the supernova is looking at something that happened 21 million years ago.... a proper time machine !!!
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have you been on the Hubble site I/M full of fascinating info and images :)
Without wishing to sound cantankerous ;) , how can you say that a star that is 21million light years aways has "now" exploded? It obviously exploded 21 million years ago
have you been on the Hubble site I/M full of fascinating info and images :)

nope... don't need hubble, i've got my 10 - 20 x 50 zoom binocs .... why do i need a space telescope? :eek:

but seriously, no, not yet.... but i will do, thanks.

My point really was about the numbers.... i really can't get my head around the distance away it is.... :confused: or how far in the past it was !!!!
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Yes , well that's what the Hubble site does to me, its full of mind blowing info that really you just cant comprehend :eek:
I'm full of that too susie watch...

21 million light years is next door neighbour stuff on a cosmic scale. The obsevable universe is thousands of millions of light years across. There is light reaching our telescopes now that's been travelling through space since long before the earth was even formed. One of the in vogue theories says that all this started from a single little dot and expanded immensely in millionths of a second. And that the observable universe, big as it is, is just a tiny part of a much much bigger universe that we can never see.

can I be your friend now? :evil:
Susie have you seen the cartwheel galaxy on the hubblesite? A smaller galaxy has gone right through the middle of it, and the shockwave has pushed all the gas out to the edges where its formed millions and millions of hot bright new stars. You can also see the "spokes" where the spiral arms are reestablishing themselves. It's amazing.
Susie have you seen the cartwheel galaxy on the hubblesite? A smaller galaxy has gone right through the middle of it, and the shockwave has pushed all the gas out to the edges where its formed millions and millions of hot bright new stars. You can also see the "spokes" where the spiral arms are reestablishing themselves. It's amazing.

post a link then?
Let me give you a hint.

Type hubblesite into google and when you get there type cartwheel galaxy into the site search box. :rolleyes:
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