Surrey man sought for drugs and firearms questioning

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There can be no doubt that the men of Surrey are not like ordinary civilised people. They should all be detained and not allowed to enter the other parts of the world occupied by peace-loving and law-abiding citizens.
Note to the RWR:
JohnD's post my or may not be true. If it is found to have inconsistences John can simply back track and claim what he said was meant to mean something else.
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Note to the RWR:
JohnD's post my or may not be true. If it is found to have inconsistences John can simply back track and claim what he said was meant to mean something else.
So nothing new with you progressives then...
Sounds to me like Corgi Oscar is a Surrey-apologist, he probably supports murder and gun crime.
I didn't know that Surrey men get unusually generous state benefits. Or is it just the ones who are plumbers?
That was brilliant you three. PMSL. In a non sarcastic and genuinely gracious way well done.
There can be no doubt that the men of Surrey are not like ordinary civilised people. They should all be detained and not allowed to enter the other parts of the world occupied by peace-loving and law-abiding citizens.

You just need to get over it. your problem S.D.S is genetic tis how u were born it is not any one's fault in this forum.

may well have been caused by a bad diet ? to much haggis , deep fried battered mars bars washed down with irn Bru.

Get the missus a rabbit :?:

oops S.D.S = small dick syndrome :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
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That was brilliant you three. PMSL. In a non sarcastic and genuinely gracious way well done.
If you can't beat 'em eh Mitch.....;)

No damn right mate. I was in Oxshott and Weybridge recently. Some of those summary executions were horrific! ;)

yep I saw them as well. Think there was a stoning ??? county has gone down hill for years ?

Went into tescos last night & they have rearranged the shelves , took me half hour to find the bacon :) dunno why they cannot leave things as they were.

I get confused due to being retarded :LOL:
Just as well the Surrey man wasn't muslim. He would have used those firearms, not on other criminals, but on innocent women, children and octogenarian priests.

Praise should be given to our OWN, local, HOME GROWN criminals for not descending into complete mindless, barbaric savagery in the name of an imaginary, paedo god.
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