


Something Diyisfun said on another topic, set me thinking. Although my friends and most, if not all of my colleagues swear, I have never found the need for it. I don't mind if they do and provided that they don't swear in front of my children, they can swear as much as they like and I won't be offended. One snooker friend in particular swears like a trooper especially when he plays a bad shot. Then it seems that every second word is a swear-word.

What about you? Is swearing as natural as breathing, or do you only swear when, for example, you're having a bad day?
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My language is terrible but when around children my mind always makes me stop myself very odd, but yes i am a potty mouth most of the time. :LOL:
Something Diyisfun said on another topic, set me thinking. Although my friends and most, if not all of my colleagues swear, I have never found the need for it. I don't mind if they do and provided that they don't swear in front of my children, they can swear as much as they like and I won't be offended. One snooker friend in particular swears like a trooper especially when he plays a bad shot. Then it seems that every second word is a swear-word.

What about you? Is swearing as natural as breathing, or do you only swear when, for example, you're having a bad day?

Even your user name is almost a swear word. BTW, how old are your children? didn't you say you were 71?
You want to try living in Essex, if you don't swear you get asked what the effing problem is.
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Depends on the context and the company I am in.

Don't have a problem with swearing (as filthy as it gets) in the right place and at the right time ;)
I normally work in mansions of the rich and infamous and one of my accouts asked if I knew a roofer who does slate tiles.

I recommended a bloke from Ireland and every other word was foul.

Even though this contractor is very qualified the building owner said if that is how this idiot speak I can't imagine how sloppy his work is going to be and he showed us the door.

You can only make a first impression and using potty words does not influence people and make friends no matter how much of a craftsman is one is judged by their grammar.

I find it especially crude when a woman tries to act earthy or when talking to a so called professional and they cuss like I did as a drunken sailor when I was a very young lad.
i read that the letters **** was a military charge it stands .FOR UNLAWFUL CARDINAL KNOWLEDGE , and if you did you were ######
as your sargent would say ;)
My language is terrible but when around children my mind always makes me stop myself very odd, but yes i am a potty mouth most of the time. :LOL:

i agree with this fella, also i never swear in front of me dear old ma either. and women, just at work then i guess, unless im working in a private house, then i guess its limited to pub and on site.

so i sort of agree then :LOL:
Swearing seems to be the norm these days, once your kids get to be older teenagers you'll find yourself swearing just to be understood, its part of their culture, and after a while its quite liberating :LOL: I'd never swear in front of someone I wasnt sure is ok with it and I can't seem to use the c word, it just dosnt want to come out!
I also have a friend whose 18 year old son swears, using every word imaginable, in front of both his parents. I do have a problem with this but of course I cant say anything.
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