Looking to run some T&E from CU to external wiska box.
Shortest route is under the floor and out to external wall.
We are replacing kitchen floor soon and while access is there I want to get cable to external junction. I plan on cutting an access panel under the unit nearest external wall.
This will eventually be used to add power to shed and some external LED light in decking etc...
If I go with 6mm T&E this should be enough gor our needs for outdoors? A couple of sockets and lights in shed and dome garden/ decking lights.
I looking to fit the external box to the left of the vents near downpipe. That way SWA cable can be added and buried along edge of property in future.
Looking to run some T&E from CU to external wiska box.
Shortest route is under the floor and out to external wall.
We are replacing kitchen floor soon and while access is there I want to get cable to external junction. I plan on cutting an access panel under the unit nearest external wall.
This will eventually be used to add power to shed and some external LED light in decking etc...
If I go with 6mm T&E this should be enough gor our needs for outdoors? A couple of sockets and lights in shed and dome garden/ decking lights.
I looking to fit the external box to the left of the vents near downpipe. That way SWA cable can be added and buried along edge of property in future.