Taking Blood Samples

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Disagree, as long you're exercising comfortable there's no harm, I know at least 7 peoples with hip replacements and knee problems and none of them exercise!

ok, experiment time for you..
take a piece of string and pull it 30 times across the corner of a cardboard box gently ( in the direction of the string )
now do the same whilst applying pressure to the string so it wraps round the corner..
see which one does the most damage...
Don't quite understand what you mean but anyway I'm getting the impression that you think exercise or weightlifting is a waste time :!:

Here one of the link:

Since your body has 147 different joints that are in motion every day of your life, this next piece of advice may be a little difficult to describe. The favorite targets of osteoarthritis are your hands, hips, knees, feet and spine. That does not mean that any or all of those other joints are immune from attack. It is not unusual for doctors to say things like "take it easy on that joint." In other words, they are really saying they don't want you to "exercise" the affected area.

Their intentions may be good but it is also not good advice. As best you can, try to keep painful joint areas in motion, even in a limited manner. Exercise is good for joints affected by osteoarthritis. Even if you don't think you can exercise, you can. Even the lightest exercise can go along way to maintaining joint mobility and health. A good exercise routine is key to beating arthritis.

Why is weightlifting good for you?

Weighlifting is good for you for several reasons. it gives you more energy and wakes you up in the day. it also makes your body release more endorphines that make you feel happy and more testosterone that also makes us happy and more sexually active. It is perhaps the best form of execise to increase bone density and also to strengthen ligaments, joints, tendons and muscles. due to these advantages weightlifting can seriously reduce your risk of injuries in heavy contact sports or just risky activities. weightlifting also increases your metabolism throughout the whole day so you will burn of more calories and fat. These are just afew of the reasons why weightlifting is good for you and everyone could benefit from it.
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weightlifting also increases your metabolism throughout the whole day so you will burn of more calories and fat.

Then why are most weightlifters so bloody big! :eek:

we can all google medical soundbites to support our side of the argument Masona..

Cardiothoracic surgeons at Yale-New Haven Hospital have identified a possible link between serious cardiac problems and weight lifting and strength training. The study appeared in the Dec. 3, 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Dr. John Elefteriades, chief of cardiothoracic surgery at Yale-New Haven Hospital, led the study. The YNHH group identified 5 healthy young individuals who suffered a devastating cardiac event called "aortic dissection" during weight lifting or strength training.
They discovered that during weight lifting and strength training, blood pressure, which is normally about 120/80, rose to as high as 300 during heavy weight lifting. In particular, these dangerous increases in blood pressure occurred when lifting amounts equivalent to one's own body weight in the bench press. The team concluded that the dramatic rise in blood pressure from intense strength training and weight lifting ruptures the internal layer of the aorta, inducing devastating aortic dissection.

Based on this information I would agree with your kidney specialist. Weight lifting can cause kidney issues by an indirect route. Strenous weight lifting can damage the muscles. In fact, this is basically how the muscles get bigger. They get damaged a little and heal back stronger. When muscle tissue is damaged a protein called myoglobin is released. Myoglobin breakdown products can crystalize in the kidneys and damage them

Dealing With Joint Pain From Weightlifting or Powerlifting
by Bryan Kernan

Do you have problems with sore joints, tendinitis, back pain, etc.?
Overtime weight training can put a lot of stress on your joints,
tendons, and ligaments. This can really slow down your workouts
and progress in the gym.

The joints most often affected are the weight bearing joints, such
as the knees, elbows, hips, lower back, and the small joints of the
hands. The pain in these joints is the long term result of cartilage
damage, the main reason being the cumulative effects of years of
use of the joints compounded by the inability to restore joint
weighlifting is good for you for several reasons. it gives you more energy and wakes you up in the day.

How do you get more energy, nunb nuts.? hope your not a parent.?
Cardiothoracic surgeons at Yale-New Haven Hospital have identified a possible link between serious cardiac problems and weight lifting and strength training. The study appeared in the Dec. 3, 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
"Possible link" so they don't know then :rolleyes:

Strenous weight lifting can damage the muscles.

as long you're exercising comfortable there's no harm,

The people who are doing the most damaged are not following the proper weight training technique which is so important
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