Tap Still Dripping After changing both Valves

5 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi All
i have changed the valves on my tap but for some reason it still drips for a while before stopping completely after each use.

i have changed the hot water valve a few times in the past with no such issues. i am not sure why this time, the tap keeps driiping for sometime before it stops completely. i thought initially that i had not tightened the valves properly, so i checked and tightened a bit more. however still drips for about 30 seconds to a minute before stopping. see pictures please. both hot and cold valves were changed on the same day.

can someone please advice if there is anything am missing?

thank you
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Did you change the full valve or just the washers ? Take them back out and check there's no crud on the seating (inside the tap). If there is you will have to scrape it off with a flat blade screwdriver or similar. You can buy a re-
seating tool for about a tenner.
That style tap will drip a little when you turn it off and it still has water in the spout. This is very normal for it to drip after a few seconds of it being turned off, does it stop after about 10 seconds ?
it stops after about 20 seconds or so but sometimes i have to open and close it again to stop it. this wasnt the case in the past when i have changed the valve.
thank you
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I am guessing now - so bear with me.

When new the seals in the neck where it joins the body would be in good condition and the tap would not drip at all after turning off.

Now old the seals are worn and as a little air (not water) can now get past the seals the final part of the spout may no longer retain the water as it did before so you get just what is in the spout end below the high point now being released

If you can get replacement seals for the tap spout/body joint it "may" stop the drip. Alternatively applying some tap grease to the seals may help.
hi all
thank you all for your time with this. took the cold valve off again and found the black seal was not sitting properly, so pulled it back in place and that seem to have stopped the dripping.

appreciate your time on this and ideas. thank you. no more dripping :D

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