I thought they were meant to be "role models", as "professional drivers"?
I witnessed 2 pieces of foolish / dangerous driving on my route home, both taxi drivers
First was a Hackney carriage. The driver (an Asian, I saw as i passed), stopped at a roundabout, with visibility of the roundabout clear. I could see from behind him, that it was clear to proceed, there was no traffic approaching from the right. Still he stopped.
Dont they have roundabouts in calcutta?
Second was a private hire. It followed me for about 4 miles, along a single carriageway road. This road passes through 2 villages, where the limit is 40 and 30. Both times, i slowed to 3-5 above the limit. Still, he was up my arse, trying to gain entry to the boot. And he wasn't following at what I'd call a "safe distance" the rest of the route either. Got to a motorway junction, an unlit roundabout, and the moron tried to overtake me ON the roundabout. This roundabout is NOT marked into 2 lanes, but 2 cars can fit across it. However, the speed at which this car pulled alongside me caused me some concern. It turned out he was going right at the roundabout, onto the motorway, but his driving was intimidating and alarming. Normally at this junction, when turning right, you keep right, but dont go alongside other cars, its too close. I only noticed it was a taxi when he pulled alongside me at the roundabout and saw his sticker.
Why dont taxi drivers have to take lessons / advanced driving courses / attitude/stress tests? This guy was obviously very wound up. And I have witnessed first hand some truly shocking driving from taxi drivers (as a passenger). Some of these morons need to learn that they dont own the road. There should be some nationally recognised qualification for taxi drivers. A few times I have wanted to get out and walk the rest of the way. Anyone ever done this?
I witnessed 2 pieces of foolish / dangerous driving on my route home, both taxi drivers
First was a Hackney carriage. The driver (an Asian, I saw as i passed), stopped at a roundabout, with visibility of the roundabout clear. I could see from behind him, that it was clear to proceed, there was no traffic approaching from the right. Still he stopped.
Second was a private hire. It followed me for about 4 miles, along a single carriageway road. This road passes through 2 villages, where the limit is 40 and 30. Both times, i slowed to 3-5 above the limit. Still, he was up my arse, trying to gain entry to the boot. And he wasn't following at what I'd call a "safe distance" the rest of the route either. Got to a motorway junction, an unlit roundabout, and the moron tried to overtake me ON the roundabout. This roundabout is NOT marked into 2 lanes, but 2 cars can fit across it. However, the speed at which this car pulled alongside me caused me some concern. It turned out he was going right at the roundabout, onto the motorway, but his driving was intimidating and alarming. Normally at this junction, when turning right, you keep right, but dont go alongside other cars, its too close. I only noticed it was a taxi when he pulled alongside me at the roundabout and saw his sticker.
Why dont taxi drivers have to take lessons / advanced driving courses / attitude/stress tests? This guy was obviously very wound up. And I have witnessed first hand some truly shocking driving from taxi drivers (as a passenger). Some of these morons need to learn that they dont own the road. There should be some nationally recognised qualification for taxi drivers. A few times I have wanted to get out and walk the rest of the way. Anyone ever done this?