Telecom Elite - change part arm text

12 Feb 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

Is it possible to change the part arm text for part arm options 1, 2 and 3, or are they hard coded?

They are currently "Evening arm", "bedtime arm 1" and "bedtime arm 2".

I've a good search through, but this eludes me!
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Thanks. I'd got that bit, but where is it set? I can't find it in the part arm settings, so I suspect it's hidden elsewhere...
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Aha! Just found "part arm text" in the global options. That sounds hopeful...!
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Thanks, I think I got to it just before you posted!

Is it possible to hide unused part-set configurations from the user? In this case, I have two ("evening", "bedtime") and would rather the other does not appear. I've named it "DO NOT USE!" for now, which I guess is functional, if not elegant ;)
No ...program them all the same if your worried about selecting the wrong one ...

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