Telephone ? Cable

24 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
This isn't strictly electrical but it's near enough.

I had assumed that a wall box in my kitchen, that had a blanking cover over it, was some kind of electrical supply point. However, on removing the cover the cable appears to be a telephone one. Only thing is, the cable has 8 strands to it, not 4 as per a normal phone wire. Can I just use 4 of the strands. If so, which 4 ?
blue with white stripe - to connector 2
orange with white stripe - connector 3 (without this the phone will work, but just not ring, OOI)
white with orange stripe - connector 4 (though not strictly needed)
white with blue stripe 5

for the sake of not having them flapping around, green with white stripe can go in 1, and white with green stripe to 6 (though neither do sod all on a domestic telephone system), then its only the brown pair you need to disregard totally
adam read the f*cking post, he said he had 8! wires and didn't even say if they were standard phone color codes or not

to the original poster: you need to find the other end of that cable if you wan't to have a reasonable chance of making it work properly.

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