Texecom Elite Proximity Fob

16 Jun 2012
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United Kingdom
I have setup my Texecom Elite 48W with 2 areas. If I disarm by entering the my keycode on the keypad all areas disarm, but the Proximity fob and Texecom app only disarm Area A, area B remains armed.
Any ideas how I can set it to disarm all Areas?

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hmm, not sure I follow.

I need to look at user programming, keypad programming and what are arm suites you have programed.

the fob and code behaving differently???
the fob is normally set up to be used on entry only and the code not to be used but this can be turned off, the same user using either of these would get the same response.

Area arm suites can be selected or used based or based o the address of the keypad.

what I don't understand at the moment is your saying the code is behaving differently from the fob, I would need to look at the profile of the panel maybe it would jump out at me then but right now it doesn't make any sense.

the app is a separate issue.
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I printed the settings to this file.

I originally had Area Arm Suite 1 set to areas A and B. Using user John arming using the keypad and code or the Fob armed both areas the same. However the disarming with the code disarmed both A and B, but if I used the Fob then only A disarmed.

Having removed the areas from the Arm Suite the code and Fob work the same - both arming and disarming A and B.

Hope this makes sense.

I have emailed the Texecom app support about the app issue since that stopped working completely with the new app version.


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in the app (android phone?) edit site details put in user code and the corresponding id, that should straighten the app out from not working.

John is local disarm yet the keypad is assigned to areas?

Without seeing the event log not sure what to say as there is nothing assigned to your arm suite except text.
I can see somethings have been changed that don't appear to have been done for any particular reason (playing around perhaps?)
Thanks for the input, turns out it was my understanding at fault. If and AREA is in entry or alarm state then the keypad or fob only disables that AREA. Then need to enter or fob again to disarm all AREAs.
Secureiam - I don't understand your comment "John is local disarm yet the keypad is assigned to areas?". Is this incorrect? or just not necessary since I only have 2 Areas and both are assigned to the keypad. Should I just remove the assignment of areas to the keypad?
local disarm limits the user to how it can disarm the system.

your keypad is assigned to both areas, so there is no need for local disarm????

I am not sure why you are using local disarm when the keypad is assigned to both areas. In alarm and during entry local disarm will restrict the system to disarm the area in alarm or the area in entry.

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