Texecom Sounder Error

6 Jul 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

I have a Texecom Ricochet Premier Elite 64 system with a Odyssey-W sounder.

The sounder batteries were low but by the time I got a ladder that was long enough to reach the batteries were completely flat and I was unable to arm the system at all. I was getting supervision faults and it would get stuck on preparing to arm.

After changing the batteries the Ricochet monitor could see it again and no longer reported low batteries - everything is green except for Extended Tones which is red. The keypad still says system errors, cycles between radio conf fail and supervision fault both for the sounder, and it still gets stuck on preparing to arm.

How can I get the system back up and running again? Do I need to remove the sounder altogether and re-learn it?

Thank you
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Tried the bell and strobe test. Keypad doesn't indicate any errors, but the sounder did not seem to respond.

Nothing in the logs either, just says System Access by User 00 - Engineer
A bell test would t show up in the event log.

Pre paring to arm is usually a dual tech issue based on its hybrid mode and the devices microwave component being woken up when system setting.

Each device that goes into supervision fault would show on the panel.

You can look at the ricochet monitor to see the status and signal security, in ricochet diagnostics you can see signal strength and if it’s bouncing off others. If the device is in supervision fault you may not see any data.

Where a device isn’t reporting in tampering it can bring it back online although that should of happened when you put the new batteries in.
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The ricochet monitor shows the sounder directly connected to the panel with everything green (except extended tones which is red). Every time I have checked it always says it was polled 0.0m ago.
Using the ricochet diagnostics option under engineers utilities the sounder does not show anything on line number 2 and pressing the chime key does not display anything. Does this mean it is not communicating properly with the panel?
completely blank means its not reported in for a while.

may be easier to delete off and relearn on close to the panel and then recomission the mesh.
Thank you for your help so far. This is getting stranger by the day.

I deleted the device from the system and tried to relearn but it is not detected. Strangely the keypad seems to freeze at around 13/14 seconds but beeps when it would have got to zero and the sounder is not been detected. I tried using the virtual keypad in the Wintex software which counts all the way down to zero and does not detect the sounder.

I tried taking the sounder off the wall and moving closer to the alarm panel (about a foot away) but it still wasn't detected.

I noticed the sounder has both left and right lights flashing at the same time, which from what I can tell means the batteries are not inserted correctly. I have checked about 10 times and they are correct. I tried putting a battery in the wrong way on purpose and they flash the same way. I tried another set of batteries and both lights still flash.

As the sounder is not connected anymore and there are no errors I can at least arm the system now, but will be good to get the sounder working again. Any ideas?

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