Whilst I had other preferences for the Job, based on limited knowledge of them obviously, I do believe in the overall scheme of things Tim was the best candidate for the Job with the exception perhaps of Ben.
I quite liked Paul, James and Miriam, and I feel that all have some serious talent to offer potential employers, Miriam is not a natural Manager and is too easily deflected by thjos around her, but if she addressed this then sahe would be very good indeed. James was a nice Guy but a bit too wishy washy at times, and I think that in some business environments he would excel, as he has already, but I'm not sure that he is right for the world of Sugar.
Paul has many skills, but his firey temper is his downfall, it is clear to see this was his failure, and as someone with a similar problem I can identify readily with the cause.
Personally I think if James, Paul, Ben and Miriam could find a compnay to work together as a team they would be formidable as they have skills that complelent each other easily, and usually when together they tend to leave tasks up to those with the talent for that task.
Who knows, perhaps, and I hope it is the case, all will get job offers on the back of the program that are equal to what they have missed out on.
No comment on the loosing finalist.