The Fuller Figure

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
OK, I don't want to be anything-"ist" about this subject, so:

How many people find ladies with a fuller figure more attractive than ladies who don't?

How many people find gentlemen with a fuller figure more attractive than gentlemen who don't?

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Fuller figured ladies - Yes please !!!!!

Examples -

Abi Titmuss

Kate Winslett, before she lost weight and started telling everyone how happy she was now that she's the size of a twiglet

Rene Zellwegger when playing Bridget Jones

Charlotte Church

Sarah Beeney - That new programme last night was rubbish though.

The list must go on....
securespark said:
How many people find gentlemen with a fuller figure more attractive than gentlemen who don't?


I do, definitely! Could be of course because I'm also one of those 'slightly fuller' persons?

Don't like skinny people (male or female), can't be healthy and I'm always wondering if they are allowed outside by windforce 3 or more ;)
How many people find ladies with a fuller figure more attractive than ladies who don't?

Well there's Renoir for a start!

Seriously though, I never understood the fad for women starving themselves to death because they wanted to look like Twiggy. I do remember a tale from a fashion magazine publishing house. An article in the magazine claimed that the Twiggy look was now out and that men preferred their women to be more rounded. One of the few male employees in the place said "We always did. You never asked."

He had a point. If the whole fashion business revolves around a woman's natural desire to attract a mate then most of them are being urged to go about it the wrong way. Listen carefully ladies and I'll let you into a secret. You won't find this information in any fashion magazine or cosmetics store because there's no money to be made out of it. Your greatest potential sexual asset isn't outsized breasts or a mound of blonde hair (though these won't come in wrong). It's a genuine interest in sex!

I have a tentative theory that this whole fashion business is about women competing with each other for no practical reason whatsoever. It's a bit like men having the biggest car or being able to drink the most beer. Perhaps this is not unique to our species. When a peacock shoves his tail feathers up in the air what's going through his bird sized brain? Is it "OK hens, come and get it." or is it "Hey, there's another peacock over there. Has he got more feathers than me?"

Here's a final conundrum. Bella donna got its name because Roman women used it to dilate their pupils and thereby, hopefully, make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex. Listen carefully Roman ladies and I'll let you into a secret. If you really liked men your pupils would dilate by themselves! And here's something else somebody should have told you. Artificially dilated pupils don't work; or is that just for me.
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Depends on if you mean fuller figure, or "fuller figure".

I like a girl who has a female shape to her, I don't really go for girls with a flat bottom and no hips.

However, I really don't go for girls who are, well, fat. A few years back I was going out with a girl who was "pre-raphaelite", but she had a great personality and was very pretty. And rampant. Nearly broke it off. :eek: But my ideal is a 10-12.

No matter what your preferred body shape, a great personality can make up for a body that isn't to your ideal. Just as your perfect body with a complete b*tch as an owner will make you miserable.

I find that "fuller-figured" girls are more likely to ask me out than skinny rakes. This could be for several reasons:
1) They don't get asked out as much as skinny girls
2) They have higher hormone levels than skinny girls (hence the curves)
3) They might even feel that you won't ask them first.

I would say the largest size to which I might letch uncontrollably would be a size 14, depending on height of course.
felix said:
or being able to drink the most beer.

Oh c**k. That's what I've been doing wrong!

You are onto something there. It is a well known fact that you only pull in the most unlikely situations. I am yet to meet a bloke who says "Right, I'm going to pull tonight" and then actually pulls. Doesn't happen.

This also explains why you are far more likely to receive female attention when you are involved with someone than when you are single. If you are taken, you don't put on the image, you look like you couldn't care less because you really couldn't!
AdamW said:
This also explains why you are far more likely to receive female attention when you are involved with someone than when you are single. If you are taken, you don't put on the image, you look like you couldn't care less because you really couldn't!

Don't think it has something to do with putting on 'the image'. Think it has more to do with biological responses: you've been able to take a 'mate' to keep the species going, so your genes must be good, so I want that too.

Sorry, can't find the correct phrases to explain the 'natural' process properly in English (it's already been a long day for me).
I find it amazing how many TV commercials remind me of those attrocities perpetuated in the concentration camps of the 2nd world war. If the survivors of those camps had been wearing designer clothes, by todays standards, they would be supermodels. This is not a joke.

If you observed the reactions of the troups that discovered these camps, they ranged from being very disturbed, to uncontrollable sobbing. Not one of them said "FWOAR".

The first time I saw footage of these events, I found it profoundly upsetting. When I see skeletal models on TV nowadays, I simply cringe and look away.
AdamW wrote:

I find that "fuller-figured" girls are more likely to ask me out than skinny rakes. This could be for several reasons:
1) They don't get asked out as much as skinny girls
2) They have higher hormone levels than skinny girls (hence the curves)
3) They might even feel that you won't ask them first.

I suspect there's some truth in all of these. Very few women can expect to be mistaken for Cindy Crawford (I'm showing my age now) and so, thanks largely to fashion advertizing, many must feel inadequate. It is ironic therefore that the further from the ideal a woman considers herself to be, the more likely she is to stumble upon what really works. You stand a far better chance of being mistaken for Tina Turner - and that's really showing my age!

There's also said to be some evidence for that hormonal link but I don't know all the details. A rather surprizing one is that the most desirable women are those with the most testosterone, as long as it's not overdone. This is not as peculiar as it sounds when you consider our rather unique sexual behaviour. Other animals mate only to reproduce. How do you make a female that wants to mate all the time, even when pregnant? One way is to add testosterone. Evolution proceeds by a series of mistakes and that could have been a fairly easy mistake to make.
you get all this chat about ho its in my genes i cant loose weight
you never saw a fatty at hitlers death camps
you get all this chat about ho its in my genes i cant loose weight
you never saw a fatty at hitlers death camps

Somewhat off topic but very true. I've lost count of how many different diets there are for us to try. (I'm at least two stone over at the moment.) Whichever Grumpy Old Man said "Try the Stop Feeding Your Face You Fat Git diet" hit the nail squarely on the head.

To get back onto the topic, I realize that I never actually answered the question so here we go. What kind of woman do I prefer? A cross between Cindy Crawford and Tina Turner. Does anybody know if she exists?
I must pull you up on that young man ...
The "BEENIE" was gorgeous last night she looked a million dollars after her recent kiddie, did you see/check out that fit pert ass , an I would of spent a full weekend down there ,worshiping a Sexy Goddess...OH YES

Talking of Paedo/young talk
here is my story ..Me an my work lad go in a local cafe , where this last week the young teen gals are in very ,very low cut tops I mean nips on show as they jump about ,
I LOOK AN LOVE IT ... BUT ..WHEN the girl looks up I beetroot /an feel awful like rapist .. ...

Dont get me wrong they play the game as I normally give a couple of quid tip , to old gal ..
but when I gave a few quid the girl not more than 13 was all very sexual ,after the week when at the counter she exposeing her tops of the nips ..
I dont know to be very truthful I would LOVE her to flash ...but I feel very uncomfortable going there as its like a 1800 Cario ~Brothel ..

(to be true if she stripped an ran around our van an jumped in the back , well whay hay ,but shes like the other girls there not right in the head /fit as /ready for *UCK... but a bad *HAG ,Im sure as ...God made green apples /an sunsets they were not ready for "LOVE"
*whistles* erm... so, nice weather we're having, what?

As to the fat person/feeding face diet... I used to be 14 stone 7 and totally, totally buff. I'm talking gay stripper buff. Honestly, THAT buff. Now I'm 16 stone 7 and on a bad day I would describe myself as podgy. I eat far fewer calories than I did then, the difference is that now I'm not rowing 50 miles and cycling 150 miles a week, along with circuit training, 4 mile runs, weight training and doing it 8 times every Saturday night/Sunday morning. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Funny, that.

I'm aiming to get back into it, I'm swimming a few miles a week, eating more sensibly. But, at the age of just 25 I've realised that you are only 18 once!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

As to the worrying about paedophilia: I would say you are OK just so long as you aren't having any "American Beauty" moments... occasionally letching at a girl's boobies is no big deal, provided that you aren't attracted BECAUSE she is jail bait. Paedophilia is an un-normal attraction to children, someone who is a 34DD is hardly a child, even if she is 15 or whatever. If you are a normal healthy-minded bloke, you will look, but you definitely DEFINITELY won't touch!
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