the good news is............

29 Jan 2006
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United States
with all the tensions is this world, good news is never heard it seems or talked about. Surely there is something positive in all of our cultures (not a very safe word from what I'm picking up). Anything anyone wants to share however, minor or silly...nothin wrong with silly. I can't think of anything myself ....right now......haven't been inspired I guess. But it would be a little different from some of the past posts......think about it ;)
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A little different? it would mean most of the posters here having to reprogram their hate-bots to write something pleasant. This is tantamount to cutting off your willy.

I do agree with you though.
Yeah, the thing is... bad news is reported more because it is not the norm.

Some of my own good news? Hmm, BBC Radio 4 rang my Mum to invite her to speak on very prominent programme, about an important issue. She is looking forward to it, if not a little nervous!
notb665 said:
Yeah, the thing is... bad news is reported more because it is not the norm.

Some of my own good news? Hmm, BBC Radio 4 rang my Mum to invite her to speak on very prominent programme, about an important issue. She is looking forward to it, if not a little nervous!
would it be rude to ask what the topic is? If so, never mind
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Bad news seems to cerate more interest than good news, ( sad but true )
The likes of tv and newspapers tend to show more of the bad things in life than the good things
this isn't "news" related, but I think, as long as it makes you feel good, however small or silly, maybe it needs to be acknowledged. We're having typical February weather here (TN) and it's been snowing for a couple of days and more on the way. Currently 28 degrees (fahrenheit)and yet, my small group of houseplants who cling so preciously to the big picture window for any kind of nourishment, are now starting to bloom (they never bloom!!!!!) Sometimes, it is the small things..... :D
notb665 said:
Yeah, the thing is... bad news is reported more because it is not the norm.

Some of my own good news? Hmm, BBC Radio 4 rang my Mum to invite her to speak on very prominent programme, about an important issue. She is looking forward to it, if not a little nervous!
Good news doesn't sell papers is the old saying that applies as well today as it has always done. It seems that people get a kick out of others misery as it takes the focus away from all their little problems, it's the i'm glad i'm not the only one suffering syndrome.
The Sun newspaper is one of the ones that has gained it's readership through apart from page 3 it's constant political stance against all that don't agree with their editor's point of view, that's why it's looked upon as a rag rather than an informative journal same goes for TV it's biased towards the producer/editors viewpoint and newsreaders/presenters will agressively toe the producer/editorial take on a subject.
Not sure if your mum is going to talk on a political subject or not but you normally see guests invited/vetted to produce what a producer will think is going to produce a stirring or interesting debate and depending on the viewpoints that arise during the discussion the producer will prime the presenter through his/her earpiece to stimulate "good viewing television".

Beware we are all controlled by the media in one way or another and you might feel you are a free willed person but you are fooling yourself, you cannot be any other way but controlled if you wish to live in a society.
My good news of the week was finding my article, well more an open letter (criticizing brand manufacturers about a certain practice) published in one of the trade-magazines as: Star Letter of the month ;)
After some disappointing ones, I got a new PA this week and she's excellent.

And a new car on Monday. Renault Grand Scenic, if anyone's interested....
What does sell newspapers today?

There is so much content now, who knows? Is the 'Horse racecard'? The stars? The accompanying magazine with TV listings? The financial pages?
The motoring page? Is it really page 3? Puzzles / crossword?

Ah, well .. Just take your pick it matters little.

Good news, sun is blazing on our southerly slope .. Bad news, the poor buqqers on the Northerly slope opposite are surrounded (roof and ground) with heavy frost...
Heating off since 9-30am, lounge currently at 25° C.

:D :D :D :D
I've thought a lot about good news/bad news recently.

I'm off work with double vision. After having A1 vision all my life, this is a bit of a blow.

For those interested in human biol, there is an innovation problem with the nerve controlling the left superior oblique.

Trouble is, the Orthoptist does not know why this happened, and can't say if my vision will return to normal or not.

So, TCALSS, I have been feeling sorry for myself this last week.

However, my wife reminded me that whatever your position, there always seems to be somebody in the world who is worse off. It sounds awful putting it like that, doesn't it?!

Still, I look at my wife and three beautiful sons and instantly feel better...
securespark said:
I've thought a lot about good news/bad news recently.

I'm off work with double vision. After having A1 vision all my life, this is a bit of a blow.

For those interested in human biol, there is an innovation problem with the nerve controlling the left superior oblique.

Trouble is, the Orthoptist does not know why this happened, and can't say if my vision will return to normal or not.

So, TCALSS, I have been feeling sorry for myself this last week.

However, my wife reminded me that whatever your position, there always seems to be somebody in the world who is worse off. It sounds awful putting it like that, doesn't it?!

Still, I look at my wife and three beautiful sons and instantly feel better...
must be odd looking at you pooter screen? may even be the cause, I,ve had problems with my vision and migrain which I'm sure is connected to the pooter screen. I've recently adjusted it and things are better {touch wood}.
securespark said:
I'm off work with double vision. After having A1 vision all my life, this is a bit of a blow.

Trouble is, the Orthoptist does not know why this happened, and can't say if my vision will return to normal or not.

Could this be stress? A lot of things like this can be overwork.

securespark said:
However, my wife reminded me that whatever your position, there always seems to be somebody in the world who is worse off.

Yeah, but there must be someone who is at the bottom! :LOL: :cry:

securespark said:
Still, I look at my wife and three beautiful sons and instantly feel better...

You mean to say your wife isn't beautiful? ;) I'm sure she is!

securespark said:
Still, I look at my wife and three beautiful sons and instantly feel better...

I thought you said you had double vision? ;) :LOL: So does it seem like you have two wives and six sons? No wonder you're suffering from stress! :LOL: ;)
Refurbishment going on where I am working and stuff being thrown into the skip. I now have some (quite expensive) overhead storage lockers and a new workbench for my garage - gratis!
mlb3c said:
would it be rude to ask what the topic is? If so, never mind

kendor said:
Not sure if your mum is going to talk on a political subject or not but you normally see guests invited/vetted to produce what a producer will think is going to produce a stirring or interesting debate and depending on the viewpoints that arise during the discussion the producer will prime the presenter through his/her earpiece to stimulate "good viewing television".

Well, my Mum is very heavily involved in FFLAG, an organisation which supports parents who have sons/daughters who are lesbians, gays and bisexuals. It will be on Thursday during "Woman's Hour".
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