The Guardian and the right wing media.

5 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
What is it about this rag and its readers. They apparently are incapable of being wrong in all matters regarding the welfare and well being of the country.
Just been reading the article by one of their scribes who says that the Tories won the election because of the likes of the Mail, Murdoch, the Sun etc etc.
Apparently the readers of these and other papers where influenced by the editorials and are incapable of basing their vote on logical reasoning.
I'm being kind in saying that, as the response from a lot of the Labour supporters in the on line forum suggest that most of the Mail readers have only half a brain.
What is it that makes them think that they have the high ground when it comes to compassion and sympathy for their fellow man and that everybody else is just concerned about number one.
No mention in the article that the Millyballs duo were not trusted by a large number of the electorate.
No reference to Guardian readers being influenced by their rag.
I don't know if this is right or not , but I seem to recollect reading that more teachers subscribe to the Guardian than any other profession.
Its well known that the Guardian is struggling financially and that without the Educational adds it would soon be on its ar*e.
So this may well account for its view on society.
I write this as some one who once was a true die hard Labour supporter and trade union member for many years, not a so called champagne Socialist who seems to be calling the tune these days.

Sad Sad Sad.
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Unfortunately some people cannot decide for themselves and have to rely on being told what to do or think. Particularly evident in today's younger generation. They just believe everything they hear and everything they read.

My local Tesco completely sold all their scratch cards over the weekend because Kat & Alfie won a Million in EastEnders.
What is it about this rag and its readers. They apparently are incapable of being wrong in all matters regarding the welfare and well being of the country.
Just been reading the article by one of their scribes who says that the Tories won the election because of the likes of the Mail, Murdoch, the Sun etc etc.
Apparently the readers of these and other papers where influenced by the editorials and are incapable of basing their vote on logical reasoning.
I'm being kind in saying that, as the response from a lot of the Labour supporters in the on line forum suggest that most of the Mail readers have only half a brain.

I can only speak for myself, of course.
I read the Mail.
I watch BBC News.
Both have their idiosyncrasies and political leanings. Nevertheless, I think I'm capable of picking the wheat from the chaff.
The Mail didn't persuade me to vote Conservative. (Strangely, the majority of online commentators in the Mail seem to support UKIP!)
The BBC didn't persuade me to vote Labour.

Perhaps the Grauniad's reduction in following and the plummet in support of the Limp Dems are coincidal!
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I don't know if this is right or not , but I seem to recollect reading that more teachers subscribe to the Guardian than any other profession.

Having worked in the profession, I'm sure that assertion is correct. I can't be sure, of course, but I'm also pretty sure that most of them vote for the Limp Dems (and probably eat brown rice and wear sandals!).
Just been reading the article by one of their scribes who says that the Tories won the election because of the likes of the Mail, Murdoch, the Sun etc etc. Apparently the readers of these and other papers where influenced by the editorials and are incapable of basing their vote on logical reasoning.

They weren't complaining in 1997 when The Sun and Murdoch supported New Labour. Once again, yet another classic sign of socialist hypocrisy.
Just been reading the article by one of their scribes who says that the Tories won the election because of the likes of the Mail, Murdoch, the Sun etc etc. Apparently the readers of these and other papers where influenced by the editorials and are incapable of basing their vote on logical reasoning.

They weren't complaining in 1997 when The Sun and Murdoch supported New Labour. Once again, yet another classic sign of socialist hypocrisy.

I think they did exactly that, though , at the time ! ie point out the irony of the Sun supporting Blair and co