The launch of the DIYnot Network


Staff member
17 Aug 2001
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Tomorrow (7th March) sees the exciting launch of the new DIYnot network. The network replaces and extends the forum profiles in a whole new way. You will have the ability to make friends, send private messages, upload pictures and much more.

In addition, all the new features are complimented with comprehensive privacy controls to allow you to limit who can view your information.
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I like the new feature.

You could always expand it to include internet dating too! :LOL:
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too many fat/old/hairy blokes

not enough cute girlies
This news should be an Announcement at the top of every forum, otherwise a lot of users will never learn about it.

I found out purely by chance. The admin had added a picture to a post and when I opened the pic in a new window I noticed it had the url

This started a furious dig and I found the new site.

The image posting facility is very useful. Gets away with the need to use photobucket, tinypic etc. Users can easily post a load of pics relating to their problem and just give a url in their actual post. You then won't end up with HUGE pictures and text scrolling of the right of the screen.

Well done :LOL:
just managed to get my mug on there!

looks like some peeps are shy tho. private profiles!! what you got to hide???? you know who you are!!! ;)
Many of the prolific posters here are frightened to let people see what they look like.

Nearly as many want their identity kept secret too!

Its only a very few of us who dont mind people seeing what we look like.

Many of the prolific posters here are frightened to let people see what they look like.
That's an assumption. You have no idea what motives people have for retaining the anonymity that the site provides.

Nearly as many want their identity kept secret too!
Admin is anonymous; so too are most of the moderators. 'Twas always thus.

Its only a very few of us who dont mind people seeing what we look like.
Using your logic, you must be scared of remaining anonymous.

If you're that proud of your looks then I don't know why there's no photo in your profile.
I don't see your pic either! ;)

You could have seen my picture in several places. On the ARGI site somewhere for example.

Until they rejigged it, there was a picture of me on the front page of the GlowWorm site.

Softus has that somewhere. If you ask him he will post it for you and then I might see if I can put it in my profile.

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