The Leaky Trumpitorium reprimanded.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said she is irritated with the US for releasing information about the Manchester bomber before UK police would have liked.

Ms Rudd said the British had wanted to control the flow of information to "keep the element of surprise".

She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme she had been very clear with Washington "that it should not happen again"."

"Counter-terrorism detectives have spoken in the past about how important it sometimes is for them that names of suspects do not make it into the media. They say a delay of around 36 hours, before the public know who they are investigating can allow them to arrest known associates of the suspect before they know police are looking for them.

Information about the bomber's identity first emerged in the US - with American TV networks CBS and NBC naming Abedi as the suspect.

Ms Rudd was asked whether she would be looking at how information sharing may have resulted in the premature release of details the British police and security services had not wanted in the public domain."

very wise not to let the idiot FO buffoon Boris out of his cell.
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I believe that it is absolutely vital that Anti-terrorism information is discriminated as soon as possible between all government agencies and this information must be shared across all need to know nations

As I understand it, the protocol appears to be that the initiating Government or Agency are the ones who, when ready release the Suspects name to the media, and do so, once the Government or agency are in a position to have apprehended all accomplices or want to see who runs for the hills

The premature release of this type of information could have [may still have] disastrous consequences, If the Bomb maker goes even further underground that individual is a very, very severe threat, all he needs is another brain washed "Bomb Mule"???
and now they've published evidence photos of the suspected bomb detonator and bag!

The UK government and police have reacted with anger after a US newspaper published photos apparently showing the scene of the Manchester bomb attack.

Counter terror police chiefs said the leak undermined their investigation and victims' and witnesses' confidence.

A Whitehall source added: "We are furious. This is completely unacceptable."

Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said he had raised the leaks with the US ambassador.

Earlier UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she was irritated with the US for releasing information about bomber Salman Abedi.

Maybe Trump has sacked all the competent people in US intelligence and headed it up with Trumpian idiots.
Did I say US Intelligence?

Sorry. Mistake.


"Extraordinary details about the bomb used in the Manchester atrocity have been published in the New York Times, almost all of it forensic evidence gathered by the British police at the scene.

A series of photographs of the remains of the bomb, the detonator and what appeared to be a rucksack were leaked. The preliminary investigation by the police is extremely detailed, down to the belief that the killer, Salman Abedi, held the small detonator in his left hand.

Suspicion on who leaked it to the US-based reporter rested on US officials, who have been feeding a series of details about the Manchester bombing to American journalists.

Leaking such inside information from the investigation will add to tensions between the US and UK over the extent to which much of the investigation is being leaked by authorities in America.

The latest revelations came hours after the home secretary,
Amber Rudd, expressed irritation with the US and expressed hope that the leaks would stop."
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Seems to me that some people in Trumps America must be pro-terrorism and can not be trusted. To jeopardise an important investigation during what is considered a very severe attack on UK citizens, is quite astonishing.
It just goes to show how corrupt and untrustworthy Trumps America has become. Stupid stupid Yanks.

"This is a very fast moving investigation involving our security services tracking down as rapidly as possible who the accomplices to this terrorist were, as it's unlikely he did this all on his own, and establishing very quickly whether he's part of a network and indeed if further attacks are planned.

"To do that you need to be able to absolutely focus on getting to the rest of this network - if it is a larger network - as quickly as possible and that's not helped by any premature release of some of the details."


The argument here is that this intelligence isn't the US authorities' to share and the UK has the right to control its own flow of information.

Sound familiar...?
US have launched an investigation into who was responsible for the leak.

Trump is correct the intellegence services cannot be trusted they have & are attempting to under mine his Government;)

As I under stand it from other's posts/comments that him again has been abroad ? & now has his rse end back in the UK ? blimey he could have bought a washing machine for the wife in the UK no need to go abroad :)
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As I under stand it from other's posts/comments that him again has been abroad ? & now has his rse end back in the UK ? blimey he could have bought a washing machine for the wife in the UK no need to go abroad :)
Still got me on ignore then? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I am still abroad. Not back for a week and a bit. :LOL::LOL:
Then only back for about a month and then I am off again. :p:p
It sounds like you need a wife bringing back. Sorry, not my scene. :):)
Interview on Radio 4 this after noon with the police commisioner of the met in 2005.

He stated that the US security services have a history of leaking this type of info , apparently he was irritated when they leaked sensitive info

on the 7/7 bombings ;)

Some should try & get off there Rse end & do some research may be ?? :) instead of inventing ;) stories & spreading rumour & fake news

any way must go off to currys for a new washing machine ;):):)
Interview on Radio 4 this after noon with the police commisioner of the met in 2005.

He stated that the US security services have a history of leaking this type of info , apparently he was irritated when they leaked sensitive info

on the 7/7 bombings ;)
Still not learned to include links to your source so that others can check your facts? I know why. :whistle:
Most of your facts will be fantasy! :LOL:

Some should try & get off there Rse end & do some research may be ?? :) instead of inventing ;) stories & spreading rumour & fake news

any way must go off to currys for a new washing machine ;):):)
Do not forget the manual on "How to invent fake news." Oh Silly me, you wrote it. I could tell by all the spelling mistakes. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You could try the "Teach yourself to Spell" as well. :rolleyes:
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