The Papal vist.

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Why should the taxpayer foot the biggest part of the bill (about 7 million) just so the pope can come over here and kiss the tarmac (and Heaven knows what else)? If it were a Muslim leader there would be outrage. Well I'm outraged. Lock up your children.
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fair point.

since the catholic church is the third largest landowner in the world, you'd think they could pay for it.
fair point.

since the catholic church is the third largest landowner in the world, you'd think they could pay for it.

Hear Hear, Any foreign dignitaries wishing to visit this country should be asked to foot the bill for security. I bet when any UK dignitaries go abroad, they have to pay at least some part of the security bill.
I know when I go to Spain or the Balearics, I have to pay for a safety deposit box !!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)
fair point.

since the catholic church is the third largest landowner in the world, you'd think they could pay for it.
There must be plenty of catholic estates in this country perhaps a lottery would help.
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7 million, that's daylight robbery, what is 7 million needed for?

We deserve a breakdown of costs, do you agree?
Don't worry - it's the medication. ;)
i remember when that **** thatcher decided to visit our town. £100k+ for welding drain covers up and few score helicopters so the cow wouldn't get knobbled by the IRA, all paid for by yours truly.

the pope turning up almost makes me want to dust off the old nagant. i wonder if echelon has picked that up?
i remember when that **** thatcher decided to visit our town. £100k+ for welding drain covers up and few score helicopters so the cow wouldn't get knobbled by the IRA, all paid for by yours truly.

Well if you've got that kind of money ;)
the catholic church have been asked to contribute to the bill. at services this morning there was a second collection just towards that bill
Maybe we should call it the PayPal visit?
as long as we dont have to pay for hot and cold running choir boys i dont care ;)
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