I haven't seen this mentioned before and stumbled on episode 3 last night so I thought I'd post a link for those interested, anyone been watching it?
Last night we had a miserable git who's neighbour naively replaced a 2m hedge with a 1m picket fence on 1 side of his front garden only to find his neighbour objecting to the loss of open plan (which it wasn't with 2m of hedge) and the loss of being able to see flower arrangements and garden gnome arrangements. They got to keep their fence.
Also, a couple applying for the 3rd time to build 31 houses on brownfield 1 mile out of a village, who were lumped in with developers wanting to build 300 houses in the village on greenfield, common sense came through!
A guy who built a huge metal "shed" to keep his life size tonka toys under.
Oh and the Mosque extension in rochdale which went against just about every planning principle known to man (3 parking spaces instead of 150), was recommended to be refused by the case officer, went to committee (headed by 2 people with what you might call a vested interest) and got pushed through!
Last night we had a miserable git who's neighbour naively replaced a 2m hedge with a 1m picket fence on 1 side of his front garden only to find his neighbour objecting to the loss of open plan (which it wasn't with 2m of hedge) and the loss of being able to see flower arrangements and garden gnome arrangements. They got to keep their fence.
Also, a couple applying for the 3rd time to build 31 houses on brownfield 1 mile out of a village, who were lumped in with developers wanting to build 300 houses in the village on greenfield, common sense came through!
A guy who built a huge metal "shed" to keep his life size tonka toys under.
Oh and the Mosque extension in rochdale which went against just about every planning principle known to man (3 parking spaces instead of 150), was recommended to be refused by the case officer, went to committee (headed by 2 people with what you might call a vested interest) and got pushed through!