The recovery

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Deleted member 294929

I've not worked since November you may remember that I spent 3 weeks in hospital with Pneumonia.

I got home for Christmas but was back in Hospital for 2 weeks in January with Jaundice and Liver failure.

These last few months have been the toughest mentally and financially I've ever experienced.

I lost nearly 3 stone and most my muscle with no energy. I really haven't been well.

My local hospital have been useless. 3 weeks back my care was handed over to the Royal Free who have been a refreshing improvement.

My recovery these last two weeks has really started moving. The previous months were slow with little movement.

I've started drinking protein shakes and now plan some easy yoga sessions.

Just walking the dogs for small walks is exhausting, but my energy levels are building. Just need to build my muscle back up.

Anyone been through something similar.

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Good luck Bod. My advice is to look after yourself - when you are tired, sleep. Sleep is the greatest healer there is. When you feel energetic make the most of it but don't be downcast when that energy runs out.

Avoid, or to keep to an absolute minimum, any drugs they prescribe you. Aim to not take any drugs for the long term.

About finances: are you claiming the sickness benefits you are entitled to? It sounds like you would be genuinely entitled to some financial assistance.
Good luck with the recovery Bod. Patience is the key, especially when you get down days. Keep telling yourself, each little set back is merely a rest point to start afresh.

Regarding financial loss. Are you officially classed as disabled? If you are employed, your company has discretion to extend and company sick pay you may be receiving. Ours is 3 months on full then half for the next 9 months. Because my present treatment could last 6- months they have generously extended my full pay until the middle of August. Hopefully I will be back before then. There are grants and extra help available if you are but nobody will openly tell you about them. You have to research government websites or speak to someone like the CAB/disability rights groups. You may even be able to get grants to make adaptations around the home for things like grab handles in the shower or around your walls if you have mobility issues. My FIL had them fitted when his wife suffered a severe stroke many years ago.
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You may be sleeping a lot.

If you can, try to get yourself into a pattern of getting up in the morning, making a cup of tea, and having a wash, even if you need to rest again later in the day, and put clean clothes on.

If you are weak, put a chair in the bathroom so you can sit down to shave, brush your teeth and so on.

At one time my morning wash and dress kept me busy until nearly lunchtime.

If you have a pet, looking after him will help your daily routine. Dogs adapt themselves to the activity levels of their owner.

I don't agree with cutting down medication, except opioids or anything that makes you dopey but does not have a curative effect.
Thanks Andy

Until the last two week the itching that's part and parcel of Jaundice has been horrendous and keeping me up all night. My sleep and tte itching has improved but i will have an afternoon sleep if need be.

claimed nothing as I'm self employed
Good luck with the recovery Bod. Patience is the key, especially when you get down days. Keep telling yourself, each little set back is merely a rest point to start afresh.

Regarding financial loss. Are you officially classed as disabled? If you are employed, your company has discretion to extend and company sick pay you may be receiving. Ours is 3 months on full then half for the next 9 months. Because my present treatment could last 6- months they have generously extended my full pay until the middle of August. Hopefully I will be back before then. There are grants and extra help available if you are but nobody will openly tell you about them. You have to research government websites or speak to someone like the CAB/disability rights groups. You may even be able to get grants to make adaptations around the home for things like grab handles in the shower or around your walls if you have mobility issues. My FIL had them fitted when his wife suffered a severe stroke many years ago.

I'm over the worst and hoping to be able to do the call outs with the next 2 weeks.

If so I'll recover financially eventually.

If I went back down for any reason I'll be dipping in to money put aside for my pension.
You may be sleeping a lot.

If you can, try to get yourself into a pattern of getting up in the morning, making a cup of tea, and having a wash, even if you need to rest again later in the day, and put clean clothes on.

If you are weak, put a chair in the bathroom so you can sit down to shave, brush your teeth and so on.

At one time my morning wash and dress kept me busy until nearly lunchtime.

If you have a pet, looking after him will help your daily routine. Dogs adapt themselves to the activity levels of their owner.

I don't agree with cutting down medication, except opioids or anything that makes you dopey but does not have a curative effect.

That was me a few weeks back. No energy no motivation to get out of bed.

Got up this morning about 6 took the dogs for a walk.

The difference now is massive compared with two weeks back.

I've been wearing track bottoms as they are just easy, now wanting to wear trousers just too feel normal.

Clothes just hung off me, the bonus is I can now get into some of my old designer stuff.
I've not worked since November you may remember that I spent 3 weeks in hospital with Pneumonia.

I got home for Christmas but was back in Hospital for 2 weeks in January with Jaundice and Liver failure.

These last few months have been the toughest mentally and financially I've ever experienced.

I lost nearly 3 stone and most my muscle with no energy. I really haven't been well.

My local hospital have been useless. 3 weeks back my care was handed over to the Royal Free who have been a refreshing improvement.

My recovery these last two weeks has really started moving. The previous months were slow with little movement.

I've started drinking protein shakes and now plan some easy yoga sessions.

Just walking the dogs for small walks is exhausting, but my energy levels are building. Just need to build my muscle back up.

Anyone been through something similar.

Get well soon laddie. It's easy to feel down and succumb to depression. Good for you that you are on the mend. Stay positive. If that's the worst life throws at you then you are out the other side.
I'm so looking forward to spring.

My new kitchen and living room have been unfinished I've not been comfortable at home. The weather has been dreadful, not want to go out. Going to bed has just been the nicest place to be.
It may seem awful, but when you are properly up and about, you may want to be careful of those around you.

I had a small bout of pneumonia last year, only a 3 day stay in hospital and a 2 months wait, before I could walk down the road without getting breathless; I picked something up from my son going to nursery. The problem is, every time he brings something home now, it goes straight to my lungs (three times so far), I'm currently suffering coughing fits, wondering if I should go back to the doctor's...

I can't really avoid my child, but I would be a lot healthier if I could!

Even from my small bout, I know it takes a surprisingly long time to get over, and that also has an effect on your loved ones, who also get bored/exhausted/don't understand why it's taking so long.

Take your time, have patience and don't push your recovery, or you may get further set backs.

...and what helped me to stay sane? - answering questions on a DIY website...

Good luck, you'll get there :)
Bod just because your self employed doesnt mean your not entitled to anything have a look here to see if your entitled to anything
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