Had bit of a bad day today. My wife went up Sainsbury’s to get the weekly food shop and as she was about to leave the car park, a kind passer-by tapped on her window and said that someone had just damaged the car with a shopping trolley. She got out and he pointed out the damage on the bumper and then pointed out the person who had done it on the other side of the car park. Anyway, she got back in the car and noticed that her handbag was now in a different position on the passenger seat, the passenger door was ajar and her purse was missing. Of course, the kind passer-by had disappeared too. She phoned me up in a flood of tears telling me to cancel her cards but within 5 or 6 minutes they had gone to the cash dispensers and our bank in the high street and taken £900 out of our bank account, £500 on a M&S credit card, £500 from our business account, £300 from a Post Office credit card and £330 on an American Express card. £2,530 in all. We'll get it all back eventually. There was probably about a hundred or so in cash in the purse but worse of all, and this is what has upset her the most, there was a £20 note in there that her Dad made her take for petrol when she was visiting him in hospital just before he passed away. She’s had it everywhere with her in every purse she’s ever had for the last 15 years. I hope those theiving Eastern European ****s have a long, lingering and painful death.