Well until the early hours of last Friday I had two 1 ton battery banks for my wind turbine, today, I have one.
Last Friday morning I followed a trail of battery acid into the local ***** site (plot 3) went mental telling them that the thieving bastard was about to get some justice Tony Martin style, fortunately for the scumbag he wasn't there when I was.
Called the Police at 10.30am they arrived around 6pm to tell me they couldn't do anything and just because the trail led to the site doesn't mean they were the thieves, it could have been visitors oh and for my own safety I cant go back to the ***** site otherwise I could be arrested for breach of the peace
Last Friday morning I followed a trail of battery acid into the local ***** site (plot 3) went mental telling them that the thieving bastard was about to get some justice Tony Martin style, fortunately for the scumbag he wasn't there when I was.
Called the Police at 10.30am they arrived around 6pm to tell me they couldn't do anything and just because the trail led to the site doesn't mean they were the thieves, it could have been visitors oh and for my own safety I cant go back to the ***** site otherwise I could be arrested for breach of the peace