ThinkPad keeps crashing

13 Jan 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have an IBM 600E (yes, it's old). It's now crashing five or six times a day.

Usually, the screen freezes, and I often notice a flicker across it just as it stops.

At other times it begins to reboot, but doesn't get beyond the memory check, when it stops.

I'm wondering if it could be a fault in the video output, or perhaps a RAM fault.

Any ideas? Are there some simple things I can try, such as reseating components?
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Things to try:

1. Cleaning out all fluff from fan vents and heat sinks.
2. Reseating RAM.
3. Testing RAM.
4. Renewing thermal paste between CPU and heat sink.
Things to try:

1. Cleaning out all fluff from fan vents and heat sinks.
2. Reseating RAM.
3. Testing RAM.
4. Renewing thermal paste between CPU and heat sink.

If that fails, buy a new laptop, practically giving 'em away these days.
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Thanks for these points; I'll try the practical steps; not sure I've seen anyone actually giving them away, though.