This will make Shytalks day:

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Road deaths will probably decrease from 3000 down to 2995 as a result of theses measures.

Meanwhile, people rushing about on the better roads, as a result of people crwaling around the country roads, has increased the road deaths in this area by 50.

.....and suicides due to the complete loss of freedom are up by an extra 30 per year.

Ho hum.
All I can think of is what else are they going to bring in on the sly whilst everyone is up in arms over that ;)

BTW, did the AA survey consist mainly of Sunday drivers?
That article is about 3 weeks too early :).

It won't happen: they're trying to bring something else in, so leak something draconian, then end up with the reality being watered down.

And, where's the dosh going to come from for the installation of the infrastructure? More QE?
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Can the tractors in Norfolk do more than 50mph?

I've employed a guy to run ahead of me waving a red flag to warn other road users and pedestrians. Its the only practical way of reducing road accidents. He's quite cheap too as there is not much foundation digging being done at the moment

Can these average check cameras read a number plate which is upside down or vertical? I can't find anything on the DVLA site say that the plate has to be horizontal and in the middle of the bumper
From the article:
“There will be some in the driving lobby who think this is a further attack and a restriction on people’s freedom,” he said. “But when you compare that to the fact we are killing 3,000 people a year on our roads, it would be irresponsible not to do something about it.

Apart from the detail that one should only compare like for like, and he is therefore talking sh**te at the outset,

Who's the "we"? I'm not.

What roads is he specifically talking about? Target those and don't kneejerk the whole show.

Where's the evidence that changing speed limits has an effect on the number of accidents?

Nanny state springs to mind. Revenue spinner also springs to mind.
Tiresome little bureaucrat looking for his moment of glory also springs to mind.
well with all the money the government have pumped into the banks,car industry etc it was only a matter of time till they came up with some hair brain scheme to rape the general motoring public of more funds
well with all the money the government have pumped into the banks,car industry etc it was only a matter of time till they came up with some hair brain scheme to rape the general motoring public of more funds

We may as well all go to work and hand over all related income. Then the government can just give us a living allowance, or ration booklets. At least it'll be an "honest" way of nicking the fruit of our labours :confused:
well with all the money the government have pumped into the banks,car industry etc it was only a matter of time till they came up with some hair brain scheme to rape the general motoring public of more funds

We may as well all go to work and hand over all related income. Then the government can just give us a living allowance, or ration booklets. At least it'll be an "honest" way of nicking the fruit of our labours :confused:

swidders, you shouldn't write things like that on a public forum as the government might trawl sites like this for ideas :eek:
well with all the money the government have pumped into the banks,car industry etc it was only a matter of time till they came up with some hair brain scheme to rape the general motoring public of more funds

We may as well all go to work and hand over all related income. Then the government can just give us a living allowance, or ration booklets. At least it'll be an "honest" way of nicking the fruit of our labours :confused:

swidders, you shouldn't write things like that on a public forum as the government might trawl sites like this for ideas :eek:
That would involve them doing some research and actually listening to people. So I think we're safe :rolleyes:
It won't happen:

In North Derbyshire where i live and work it has already happened!!

Most of the roads i use have already had 50mph limits enforced over the last 2-3years. Whats more, the local council have started extending 30mph 1-2miles beyond their old boundaries on the edges of towns and villages and adding a further 1-2miles of 40mph zones outside of these. And 40mph zones are being dropped to 30mph all over the place.

I've lived here all my life and i know most of the crew at the local fire station and from talking to them, i am not aware that any of these roads are particularly prone to fatal accidents, or any kind of accident. Start introducing silly speed limits and you'll get more accidents because you'll always get someone who doesn't want to stick to the limit and will try overtaking in a dangerous place to get ahead of the guy in front who is sticking to the limit.

Luckily the Peak District National Park have been pretty successful at preventing the installation of speed cameras here!
I've lived in North Derbyshire all my life and i know most of the crew at the local fire station and from talking to them, i am not aware that any of these roads are particularly prone to fatal accidents

...A little further South on the A38 is where all the deaths occur. :eek:
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