Those silky silly remainers just don't get it ......grow up.

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
The continual posts on here from bitter silly silly remainers are becoming tedious.....fact.

Democracy in action, this country decided out and to split from the EU ......fact.

Difficulties were expected ........fact.

The EU are acting petulantly .......fact.

All that remains is the details........fact.

It doesn't matter what the reasons are for the majority voting out whether sovereignty or immigration it's done.
If anything the emotional negativity from the beaurocracy of the pathetic EU hierarchy illustrates more than ever we should not surrender our sovereignty to these "FOREIGNERS".

I've used the word FOREIGNERS purely to satisfy the fixation of the remainers on here.

No disrespect to Brussels as a country ........Pate .......what else is it recognised for on the world stage?
Probably best know for Junkers, he's doing nicely for a three day week

Thank goodness the exiteers won. Presumably when the EU as an institution collapses we'll get some money back.......why the politicians here haven't done a churchill or a Maggie or had some balls in dealing with the bullying bastard's is disappointing. The current situation is probably delighting and gratifying the silly silly remainers on here.
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The continual posts on here from bitter silly silly remainers are becoming tedious.....fact.

Democracy in action, this country decided out and to split from the EU ......fact.

Difficulties were expected ........fact.

The EU are acting petulantly .......fact.

All that remains is the details........fact.

It doesn't matter what the reasons are for the majority voting out whether sovereignty or immigration it's done.
If anything the emotional negativity from the beaurocracy of the pathetic EU hierarchy illustrates more than ever we should not surrender our sovereignty to these "FOREIGNERS".

I've used the word FOREIGNERS purely to satisfy the fixation of the remainers on here.

No disrespect to Brussels as a country ........Pate .......what else is it recognised for on the world stage?
Probably best know for Junkers, he's doing nicely for a three day week

Thank goodness the exiteers won. Presumably when the EU as an institution collapses we'll get some money back.......why the politicians here haven't done a churchill or a Maggie or had some balls in dealing with the bullying bastard's is disappointing. The current situation is probably delighting and gratifying the silly silly remainers on here.

putting the word "fact" after a sentence does no more than say what your opinion is :D
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putting the word "fact" after a sentence does no more than say what your opinion is :D
I disagree with you, big-all, it demonstrates how easily the author is confused between fact and opinion.
If that is indicative of their normal level of perception, it speaks volumes about the veracity of their presentations.
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But Mr Rees-Mogg said such a situation would make the UK "a vassal" - or subordinate - state of the EU, having to accept laws "without any say-so" from the British people

Just like, if and when we get a trade deal with the USA, it will be structured to suit the USA, and we will have no say in their laws.

But he wants to throw away Britain's voice in the EU.

Which of the four available options did he think he was campaigning for?

"No say in shaping the laws."

We knew that.
As has probably been said before, ask an adult to explain it to you.

I don't need an adult to explain that once again you've edited a post where you made a mistake or that you are an habitual liar.

This is what you posted when I replied

I disagree with you, kankernot, it demonstrates how easily the author is confused between fact and opinion.
If that is indicative of their normal level of perception, it speaks volumes about the veracity of their presentations.
I don't need an adult to explain that once again you've edited a post where you made a mistake or that you are an habitual liar.
My apologies, but at least you can tell the difference between someone making a mistake, recognising it, accepting it, correcting it and apologising for any subsequent errors, and habitual liars.
I trust you will notice that I do not feel the need to squirm or deny that I made a mistake. Nor do I feel the need to launch into a tirade of insults.
I made two mistakes, one very simple fundamental mistake of referring to the wrong poster, and one very easy mistake of misunderstanding the reason for your response: a simple, single, unexplained emoticon.

This is what you posted when I replied
If you only post an emoticon, without any explanation whatsoever, you can hardly be surprised if your 'comment' is misinterpreted.
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Tis true gasbanni the re-moaners do not under stand how a referendum works , what it means , the purpose of the referendum

They are unable to grasp or deal with reality imho :)
They are unable to grasp or deal with reality imho :)
For someone who persistently perpetuates fake news, and makes up lies to deceive people (like claiming to be disabled, when you are not)
I think your comment is hypocritical at least.
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