I have a cupboard in my downstairs bathroom that houses a few vital items that require infrequent access:
- Stop Cock
- Soil Stack
- Fan Shut-Off Isolation Switch
I want the door to be as concealed as possible and was hoping to tile it. I realise that any door is going have a slight amount of movement in it, which is bad news for tile adhesive.
Has anyone got any ideas as to what I could do to provide every possibility that the adhesive will work and the tiles will stay secure.
My ideas:
1. Use Plywood and fully seal it with PVA/Acrylic sealant
2. Put some horizontal angled scores across the wood to aid adhesion
3. Install a steel bar under the door to provide support to the tiles for any downward force.
Other questions:
- What is the best tile adhesive for such a situation, would something like grip fill offer any advantage for such situations?
I have a cupboard in my downstairs bathroom that houses a few vital items that require infrequent access:
- Stop Cock
- Soil Stack
- Fan Shut-Off Isolation Switch
I want the door to be as concealed as possible and was hoping to tile it. I realise that any door is going have a slight amount of movement in it, which is bad news for tile adhesive.
Has anyone got any ideas as to what I could do to provide every possibility that the adhesive will work and the tiles will stay secure.
My ideas:
1. Use Plywood and fully seal it with PVA/Acrylic sealant
2. Put some horizontal angled scores across the wood to aid adhesion
3. Install a steel bar under the door to provide support to the tiles for any downward force.
Other questions:
- What is the best tile adhesive for such a situation, would something like grip fill offer any advantage for such situations?