I have rendered two small walls in my bathroom which I intend to adhere Kerdi membrane to followed by tiles, the room will be a steam shower cubicle with the kerdi providing the membrane. The render thus won't be providing any waterproofing function as it is under the kerdi.
The render is dry, sandy and the top surface could be rubbed down with my hand, it isn't blown. The render is easily drilled and can be gauged with screwdriver, it is quite soft. Is this a problem? Will it hold the tiles and stay on the wall?
Merry Christmas!
The render is dry, sandy and the top surface could be rubbed down with my hand, it isn't blown. The render is easily drilled and can be gauged with screwdriver, it is quite soft. Is this a problem? Will it hold the tiles and stay on the wall?
Merry Christmas!