I've just moved in to a new property where I have a fairly newly (last 2- 3 years) installed Worcester 28CDi boiler.
The problem I'm having is the time it takes to get hot water to any of the taps in the house. In the kitchen which I think is the furthest point from the boiler takes between 5 and 9 litres of water before it gets to full temp and in the bathroom if you want hot water to wash your hands you have to turn the tap on then go to the toilet and you might be lucky to have some hot water by the time you've finished, depending on how long you take
Is this what people would expect of the boiler or is there a problem with it?
The boiler is fitted in the front bedroom and the kitchen tap is right at the back of the property on the ground floor, the bathroom is no more than 10M away from the boiler but I've not been able to trace the pipes to see where they might go first. I know the boiler is due it's yearly service as we had a card from British Gas to say they had called to service it, but they will not come out now as the cover has been cancelled by the previous owners, was hoping to get a free service out of BG.
The problem I'm having is the time it takes to get hot water to any of the taps in the house. In the kitchen which I think is the furthest point from the boiler takes between 5 and 9 litres of water before it gets to full temp and in the bathroom if you want hot water to wash your hands you have to turn the tap on then go to the toilet and you might be lucky to have some hot water by the time you've finished, depending on how long you take
Is this what people would expect of the boiler or is there a problem with it?
The boiler is fitted in the front bedroom and the kitchen tap is right at the back of the property on the ground floor, the bathroom is no more than 10M away from the boiler but I've not been able to trace the pipes to see where they might go first. I know the boiler is due it's yearly service as we had a card from British Gas to say they had called to service it, but they will not come out now as the cover has been cancelled by the previous owners, was hoping to get a free service out of BG.