I have a water storage tank heated by economy 10electricity which gives 5 hours of heating in the night and two separate periods totalling 5 hours in the day and evening.
I wish to restrict the heating period to a few hours in the night period. This is because (i) the heater now comes on when we are often just going to bed and makes quite a bit of noise and (ii) I believe (though I am not sure) that the off peak use is dearer during the day.
The problem is that there will be no power to the heater and any associated switch for 14 hours a day and I believe that the battery in battery backup switch will not last long with such long and regular breaks.
I am considering using a switch with the clock powered from by normal 24 hours mains supply, one which can then be used to switch the economy 10 supply to the heater.
Are suitable switches readily available and, if so, from where?
I wish to restrict the heating period to a few hours in the night period. This is because (i) the heater now comes on when we are often just going to bed and makes quite a bit of noise and (ii) I believe (though I am not sure) that the off peak use is dearer during the day.
The problem is that there will be no power to the heater and any associated switch for 14 hours a day and I believe that the battery in battery backup switch will not last long with such long and regular breaks.
I am considering using a switch with the clock powered from by normal 24 hours mains supply, one which can then be used to switch the economy 10 supply to the heater.
Are suitable switches readily available and, if so, from where?