Took my 17th ED C&G 2382-200 (update) today.....

3 Jul 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I'm quite happy with the result :LOL:

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You git.

You beat me and securespark by 1 point* :evil:

Well done though :D

*Although your exam code is different. Did you do the 30 question upgrade exam or the 60 question full course?
The 30 question update (thread title) so that can be your get out clause ;)

I wasn't impressed with the course at all though, lecturer was pathetic.
He basically talked through a powerpoint type presentation which took the morning up - I can read so didn't get anything from him there.

He expanded on a few points, mostly giving incorrect information which I took pleasure in pointing out.
One example being that all circuits in a bathroom should be RCD protected and have a disconnection time of 0.4s, "what about a shower with a 40A protective device", I asked? :LOL:
Another was a disagreement over current carrying capacity tables. He said T&E was table 4D2A, I corrected him by telling him it's actually table 4D5. He looked at both and said they looked the same so he'll continue to use 4D2A!
Methods of protection against electric shock, Basic Protection - he said placing out of reach couldn't be utilised in a bathroom. I said that's pretty obvious to which he disagreed! If anybody would consider that then they have no place of the course, surely?

Afternoon was taken up by him telling us what to highlight and where to put little post-it notes. Most were plain obvious and useless.

We actually did something useful then (finally) by completing an example paper then it was off to the test room.

£250+VAT though we received a copy of BS7671:2008 and the red Amicus book - good electrical practices (or similar) which is a good book and available for around £7.
I did the full 3 day course, which I would definatly recommend.

There was some talking through powerpoint presentations, but there was also loads of qestions asked of us, and plenty of time to debate stuff, and recover any parts of the book if someone didn't understand it.

Also did 3 past papers, and our lecturer knew the book inside out. He was really clued up, but not patronising when imparting his knowledge.
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Amicus book, news to me. Any good?

I'm a GMB member myself, but as they've not taken over any electrician's unions recently (maybe ever) they don't really publish anything relevent.
It sounds like you had a very good lecturer then, seriously, I think I could have done better than the guy I had today.
He gave us the example paper then nipped out for a fag asking us to tell anybody that asked for his whereabouts that he was chasing up a photocopy. Really professional :rolleyes:
Looks good, also notice their answer to GN3 too, think the click-sure library will welcome them with open arms.

Congratulations on your 2382 pass as well GaryMo
Cheers Click - you've reminded me!
Duff lecturer said no updated (17th) guidance notes had yet been printed. I said GN3 had, he disagreed. His face was a picture when faced with my copy :LOL:

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