Tory MPs punish poor and working class white kids

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
So £20m for poorer kids is too much but £65m wasted on a GPS is ok or £7k a day for private management consultants. :rolleyes:

Hundreds of millions on wasted PPE and the Tory bots on here either defend it or stay quiet.

Their line of reasoning is that we can't afford £20m or its due to bad parenting. So the £30 odd billion spent on Furlough and tens of billions on loans - don't hear the same logic that its due to bad business owners who should have had contingency plans in place or resilient enough business models.

Yet the billions in costs due to Brexit and higher prices they defend but £20m on poor kids is past the pale.

Tory bots hate anyone not like them. (y)
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It's a spectacular own goal by the Tories.

They spent £522m on Eat out to Help out scheme.

The party has lost its way - shame Ken Clarke never became leader of the Tories.
Cummings runs a tight ship.

No dissent permitted.

Looking at the excuses, very few of them have any sensible justification.

a few of them are getting their "don't blame me" stories ready.

hoping to keep their jobs after the incompetent Doris is gone.