Some master socket front plates incorporate an ADSL filter, so broadband is only available at the deignated ADSL outlet on the front plate.
Replacing the front plate with an unfiltered version would make ADSL available at the extension socket, but the maximum speeds may be lower, and you would need seperate plug in filters for every telephone .
Some ADSL front plates allow the ADSL signal to be extended via a seperate cable, to connect to an ADSL modem / router only, seperate from the telephony.
Some extension wiring kits use poor quality cable that doesn't do much for ADSL signals.
'Plug-in' extension wiring needs to be plugged into the master socket before any filters if you want it to carry the ADSL signal as well as telephony.
Generally, the more telephones and devices connected to unfiltered cabling, even with their individual filters, the lower the maximum ADSL speed. take things too far, and it just doesn't work at all.