Trump guilty

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It seems a rather trivial case compared to the things he has done

And he can still run for President I think
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Technically, he could be. A Democrat advisor to Hilary C. said a recent poll taken by ABC news in America shows 20% of his base would reconsider their vote in November and 4% of them wouldn't vote for him at all. In this forthcoming election that'll make the difference between him sitting in the Oval Office or a jail cell.
You probably needed to stop with "A democrat advisor.." I think he will spin this as a fit up and gain vote share. Neither candidate is fit to lead the US
Summary of the story:

Narcissist screams “it’s unfair, everybody is crooked”

That’s it.
Doubt he will be banged up ??? Imo

Mind you if he is he won’t be the first presidential candidate that has run for president from prison
Nobody is predicting he will do Jail. They are category E - non- violent felonies and he is likely to appeal anyway.
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